
Ep 38 Mindfulness, Manifestation, and Connection to Nature With Heather Webster

Announcer 0:28

Hello, and welcome to speaking spirit where we talk about all things spiritual. Your host, John Moore is a shamanic practitioner and spiritual teacher. And now his John.

John Moore 0:44

Good morning, everybody. Well, I say good morning, I always do that. I would say good morning, even though I have no idea what time of day it is when you're listening to this, but it's morning for me, I always record these in the morning. I've had my coffee, and I'm ready to go. I hope you're all doing well. And I'm very excited today because I have a guest. And it's been a while since I've had a guest. And I was on her podcast recently. And so I'm forcing her to come on my podcast, it's, you know, I'm not above guilting people into coming onto my podcast, but it is. It's my pleasure to introduce you to Heather Webster of Heather Webster wellness.

And Heather does a bunch of interesting stuff. Stuff that I'm completely fascinated with. So I'm gonna let her introduce herself better than I can, I'm sure. And talk a little bit about what you do. Good morning, Heather.

Heather Webster 1:41

Good morning. Wow. Yes, it was definitely not a force. I'm so excited.

I'm excited because I get to have yours air next week. So it's very exciting.

And no, I'm just so excited to be here, to be honest. And when I woke up this morning, I was just like, Oh, I get to, I get to see John and talk to him. Because we have so much in common and things that we're interested in. And the conversation just flows, which is fantastic. And so a little bit about me, I am a educator at heart. I was raised as I wanted to be a teacher from the time I remember stating it in second grade. When I was younger, I had a classroom of imaginary friends gotcha that I would teach. And it was just super fun. And so I was doing that for a really long time and just recently started to do a deeper dive into kind of doing some more healing for myself. And when I was an educator, back in the day, I had decided that I wanted to go back to school for nutrition. And so I did go get my Master's in nutrition and physiology. And while I was there, I was diving into the fact that like a lot of what they teach you in traditional school is very much about what they want you to know. Yes, nutrition and exercise and things like that. And a lot of it's based off of kind of who's in charge

at the higher level, right. And so as I was when I was finishing up my thesis, I actually went to South Korea for a year, and was teaching English to some preschoolers and high in older grades. And as I was there, I was really starting to realize that I still loved teaching. And I did not want to go into like a research field, which is kind of like if you're in nutrition, you're either going the dietician, route, or you're going the route of research, and that was not my thing. And so I started hiking again and getting back out in nature was in South Korea, and finding that love for being outdoors. Again, I've always been an outdoorsy person. And thinking back now, back in the day, right? When I was having a tough time as a child, I would immediately go outside and go catch frogs or snakes or like and connect with them, but or climb a tree. Climbing trees are kind of my memory. It's kind of funny. Earlier this morning, I was outside and I was thinking, Hmm, I guess I was thinking about you and be on your podcast and authors and things like that. Well, we've talked about in the past. I was like I need to make an alter to my childhood.

John Moore 4:33

Oh, that's a that's a fantastic idea. I love that idea.

Heather Webster 4:39

Because what I'm trying to do right now is really connect back because that's where joy and play comes in. Yeah, yeah. And I was like, Oh, I can go through some pictures and they all came up like yesterday, I was posting a picture of my childhood. And so once I moved to New Hampshire is when I really started doing a lot of my healing. I had been reading Ireland for a while. And when I was moved to New Hampshire, I realized how disconnected I had become. Right and, and I had actually gotten to the point where I felt quite depressed and didn't even know it. But I had no interest in going out. I didn't really care to see people, I was just like, happy in my place. But that's not me. And I wasn't really happy. And so I started to get dive into more meditation, I went back to school for health coaching, I did mindful outdoor guide training, and really started to look into how can I reconnect with myself so I can connect with others? Yeah. And a lot around self confidence, self love, and self like self care, but also looking at how I was talking to myself.

John Moore 5:52

Mm hmm. Yeah, that's a good, that's a very good thing to look at. I have lots of clients that I talked to. And that is a major thing, that is a major issue for them. We talk to ourselves in ways frequently that we would never accept from anybody else. And yeah, and we just think that's normal. And it's okay. And it can be really destructive and unhealthy. For sure.

Heather Webster 6:23

Yeah, one of the things I talk to clients about because I've, what I've done is said, Okay, now all this healing, I've done, how can I help women, and so my main focus is helping women, I'll help anybody, but because I just love helping people, but I mainly focus on women, because I think they they have that men have a self talk to you, but I don't understand it as much because I'm not, I don't identify as a man. So for me, I like to focus on knowing where I can identify so I can make sure I support the the people that identify as women. And I mean, we have like 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day, right? And like 9080 80 to no more than that 90 to 95 maybe 98% are like these negative talks that we started when we were younger, and see if the reprogram their habits.

John Moore 7:13

Right, right. It's it's a loop and yeah, you're absolutely right. It's, um,

you know, it's interesting that somebody, I do a lot of work with belief, right, like, what people believe in what people hold to be true. And pretty recently, I don't know, in the past few months, I heard a really good definition of belief. And

you know, and, you know, the I went through the whole Boys Don't Cry era, right, in the whole men. You know, there's only two emotions that are acceptable for men, you know, laughter and anger. That's it. Anything else is a completely unacceptable so we cram a lot of stuff. And I think that most men and I include myself in that bundle, you know, at least earlier in my life, are unaware of what's going on in our heads. Frequently, you know, it's really, really unconscious, because we can't, we can't look at that stuff. It's too painful. And we can't show up as a masculine, right, like, that's a bad thing to be not, uh, you know, and again, this I think this is changing. I see that changing in our culture.

You know, in my girls school, for example, my girls are in high school and there are a lot of transgender children. There are a lot of children who can identify in whatever the way they want and I don't Hear about bullying, happy happening or anything like that, um, that would have been very risky behavior when I was in high school for somebody to identify as a gender that they weren't born, you know, that they weren't born into. Or to, or to be gay or to anything, you know, anything that deviated from the norm was risky. And I mean, physically risky. I mean, you know, it was, it was dangerous. So I'm happy to see some of these changes, and I'm happy. I'm happy that you're working with women or whoever, to, you know, on this on this stuff. Because culture, is this oppressing for sometimes, right.

Heather Webster 10:43

Yeah. And I like to talk to women about how their stories right and, and debunking them, right. So if you have the story of I am, I always fail, right? That's a huge story for women is I'm a failure, I fail at everything we talk about. Okay. That could be a story. So let's see if it is let's talk about the things that you've been successful at. And there's many times I have felt like, when I was going through that time, especially I was everything about what I was going through at that time was about me feeling like a failure. I had had foster children, that when I moved, I had to they Well, I didn't have when I moved, they went to a new foster family that was going to adopt them. So it was a great move for them. Because I was there to foster. But in my head, I was like, Oh, my gosh, you failed. Yeah, no, I didn't. I totally did. And it all stems I think to from when I was a child, but then the biggest failure that I had in my head was my divorce, of how could you not make this happen? How could you not make this and so everything since then, if I didn't succeed, I felt like a failure. And so sitting down with my clients, but also sitting down myself when I went through this, going through all the things I've been successful at. Yeah. And that is and then talking and then coming up with new phrases to say, when you say that thing of like, oh, I fail at everything. Oh, wait, no, I don't I've done this and this and this, to kind of like reframe it. But it can be very tricky at first to catch yourself. Because a lot of it's happening just as you're going through today.

John Moore 12:26

Yeah, yeah. And I'm sure, I'm sure that one of the things that you you probably run into and that I that I've run into with a lot of clients is the word can't. And then they say there's a four letter word, I can't I can't do this, or I can't do that. And, like I will, I will attack that belief, like a rabid dog and go after it and say, Okay, let's, let's stop. And let's look at that. And what does that mean? I can't like I'm physically not able to I'm emotionally not able to, you know, and what's your belief around that? Where does that idea where does that belief come from? That I can't, you know, and it really is a four letter word. Yeah, sure. There are things that maybe I can't do in exactly the way that I want to, you know, I probably can't win the Powerball. But I also don't buy Powerball tickets. So you know that that's very unlikely to happen. But I always say in an infinite and expanding universe, anything is possible, technically, statistically, it's possible. as improbable as it may be, but very frequently, Kant is a product of Well, I always, my parents always told me I wasn't good at this. Or when I tried this before, I wasn't perfect at it. And so I quit. And, you know, I taught I taught martial arts for about little over 20 years, I think, a very long time. And most people quit. Most people who start martial arts or anything like that quit. And I would say that the number one reason that people quit is that they're not a blackbelt on the first day, they're not, they're not, oh, you know, I did this, and I'm not perfect at it. And I'm like, I have been practicing that technique for 20 years, and I am not perfect at it yet. So it's, you know, this whole I have to be perfect thing. Um, I can't ever, quote unquote, fail at anything or, you know, whatever. But we like how much do we learn from our failure? How much do we you know, I went through a really you know, even after my divorce, I went through a really terrific, terrifying, terrific, horrific something I'm trying to work out over here, all the above. I went through I went through a very similar thing and You know, I wound up in a extremely unhealthy relationship with somebody who was abusive in every possible way. And gosh, I was like, Well, I guess I'm just never gonna be in a relationship again. Like, that's just, that's just what's gonna happen. And, you know, I failed clearly at my past two relationships, one of them was 20 years long, and I failed at that. And but, you know, ultimately, I looked at it as, okay, what am I learning from this? What am I learning about my boundaries? What am I learning about? And, you know, I did a whole thing recently about karmic relationships, where you get into relationships, that reproduce some of your old trauma so that you can heal from it. I'm not something I recommend to do consciously, I'm going to purposefully date an abuser so that I can, you know, work through that abuse, like, don't, but recognize that pattern in yourself recognize that that is what's going on. And, you know, we're drawn or sometimes we're drawn to drawn to that so we can we can heal from it.

Heather Webster 16:05

Yeah, I love that. It's been coming up so much recently, kind of what you're talking about in just yesterday, I was listening to another podcast, and they were talking about how you can't succeed without failing. Yeah, right. So when we were learning to walk, we fail many times. So like, every single time, even the things that are innate in things that we're supposed to learn in that we are, it's in our genes to be able to do it takes practice, right? Yeah. And that's why I love like that meditation, yoga, like all those things, call it practice, right? Because it takes time. And going back to the other piece where you were talking about that connection between your thoughts and your beliefs. A lot of that comes into like when you're talking about manifestation as well, which is something that I'm fascinated with. A lot of people are talking about, oh, it's so woowoo. But I mean, no matter what you look, whoever you look at, right? People that pray for, right that there's like, people are manifesting every day, it just depends on how you manifest. So in this moment, I'm manifesting something. Yeah, for my future, right. And I think but in if your thoughts are on the negative, this is something that I love talking about with my clients a lot about, because if they're stuck in that negative your body wants to succeed. Or your soul wants to succeed at what you're thinking, right is your belief in all of that. And so if you're thinking, I'm always gonna fail, you're always gonna fail. Obviously, it's much bigger than that. But if, if you break it down to okay, I feel that this could be possible, and really ingrain it and start living your life that that is happening for you. And kind of letting go of the expectation of how it's gonna happen. Yes, they're gonna come for you. And then that like idea of like, I'm always failing at relationships, right? So I'm saying,

I've been part of it's like, oh, my life is so crazy right now, how can I find somebody but if I switch it to, no, it's possible. There's somebody out there that has a great schedule and everything else, then I'm going to start living that way. I'm also going to feel more confident for myself. And when I face the world, I'm going to face the world as I am lovable. And I it is possible for me to find love. Yeah, yeah, it's, it's interesting.

John Moore 18:28

A couple couple things there that you mentioned, that are like stood out in my brain. So you talked about making an altar to your childhood, and you know how when we were learning to walk, we failed many, many times. And kids don't, kids don't have that thing. Like, we have to learn that we have to learn that failure is bad, we have to learn that we have to learn shame, right? Shame is not ingrained in us. It's not something we're born with. And that's really kind of what it's about. And so when when I was born, I had a number of birth defects. And the doctors told my parents, your son will never walk. And fortunately, my parents had a healthy disdain for for authority figures, as I probably do. And they were like, Screw that, and, you know, looked around and found me the medical help that I needed. And you know, but I didn't know I wasn't supposed to be able to walk. Now think about that with if I were, if I were an adult and something happened and the doctor said, You're never gonna walk again. I don't care what you do. Um, I might take that on. I might, you know, I might believe that. And whether you whether you believe in the whoo aspect of manifestation or not, life becomes a self fulfilling prophecy in the way that I'm going to be. behave according to my beliefs. Now, I like you, I believe we're manifesting everything. And so for example, yeah, you know, if when I'm listening to music, some sound waves are coming into my ear canals, and my eardrums are creating electrical impulses that go back into my brain. But my consciousness is assembling a concert, or you know, an orchestra or a band or a singer, or what have you. So, yeah, there's stuff going on out there. But I'm not I don't know what's going on out there. I only know what's going on in here. Right? And that's, you know, that was something that like for me to grasp. I was like, oh, yeah, like nothing, I'm not aware of anything outside of my consciousness, by definition, right. And so I'm, part of me is creating all of this or CO creating all of this weather, I'm, you know, and then, of course, when you get into shamanism, you start really messing with reality quite a lot. And so you realize how, how plastic it is, and how flexible it is, and how we can tune ourselves to different kinds of channels. And how, in the spirit world where there's no mass, things like time and space break down, just on a, you know, on a physical level. So very, very cool stuff. And I really love your idea of making an altar, I'm going to steal it, make an altar call for make an altar to your childhood. Like, I don't have enough altars around my house, I'm going to add one more somewhere.

Heather Webster 21:40

Right. And it's like, you can see the joy. Or if there was pain in your childhood, you could heal that their journey through meditation type stuff. So I, I think there's or you can go back to like, even further back when that pain wasn't there yet. And it all happened, because, right, so this is like that whole manifestation, but also things happening in order where you can see after the fact how it works. And so for the my podcasting class, they asked us to look at a picture of our childhood and say something to that person to that child. And then yesterday, somebody posted a picture, posted a challenge of add a picture of you as a child. And so I did that. And then I was also like, oh, you know, I need to put that on my Facebook group for my followers, and ask them, What would you say to yourself as a child, and what does the picture say to you? And then I was outside, and all of a sudden, right intuition came through and said, you need an altar for your childhood, because you were so joyful, and playful, and you loved life and being outside and you're so connected to yourself at that point. It didn't mean I didn't have pain, right? And so have this struggles that I had with my, like different things that have happened or whatever. But it was, it was just a very clear, like, looking at those pictures of pure joy was outside too, right? Like, I'm outside in almost all my pictures that I'm smiling with huge, like a huge smile on my face, like Yeah, pigtails with my blonde, like super blond hair. And it was just like, I was so free to be who I was. And so it's very interesting as I start tapping the other piece of that, as you can see, I have so many fascinations around it, but they're all connected, right? Yeah. Intuition is something that I am so fascinated with supporting because I feel like as, especially as women are trying to reach goals or manifest things they need to tap in more. And I think because we're think we're so much out in like, Oh, this is what's happening out there. Right. You don't always listen to that inner self talk. Not the negative self talk, like, yeah, that those messages that are coming all the time.

John Moore 24:02

Yeah, yeah. The universe is talking to us constantly. It will turn the volume up over time, if you don't pay attention to it, sometimes in ways that we don't think are pleasant, but are important to us for our learning. I have had many, such many such lessons. And not to be too you know, I don't want to like stereotype genders here. But um, you know, I think most women would be considered, you know, very intuitive, right, like more in touch. You know, just generally speaking, because of the way our culture is. Women are more in touch with their intuition or in general or have a better sense of their intuition. Everybody has the same intuitive ability, I think, but women have a greater capacity I think to tap into that. I'm part of that is for a terrible reason that we live In this patriarchy where women had to develop that capacity as a survival mechanism, um, but part of it is that there's the you know, the just the aspect of the divine feminine is intuitive, right? And so women, you know, women or people who identify as women are just closer to that naturally. And it really is sort of about finding, finding that balance and and this is not to say that men can't because men men out there you have to embrace you have to embrace the Divine Feminine that's in you. You could be the manliest man on the planet. I don't know. Maybe you to railroad spikes for breakfast, or something. I don't know. Um, whatever the stereotype of the manliest man on the planet that I definitely do not fit into that category, but

Heather Webster 25:49

like Arnold Schwarzenegger back Yeah,

John Moore 25:52

but even Arnold Schwarzenegger now he's got like, he's got like donkeys living in his house and like horses and stuff like in his house, he's, he's a, he's embraced the feminine aspect of of life as well, where he's become a nurturer and a lover of animals and all of these things. But, but men, there's a goddess inside of you, I hate to tell you, there's a God and a goddess inside of everyone. And really, you come into your power when you're able to tap into both aspects of that the Ken Wilber calls it arrows and agave, which are two different words for love. But he uses them as these these masculine and feminine divine impulses, not the distorted way that we represent gender, you know, with toxic masculinity or that sort of thing. But the the divine aspect, which is toxic masculinity is really immature. It's really about boy psychology. And, and that is not manly, when I see that I'm like, yuck, yeah, just gross. But something I want to circle back with you on. Because this has come up as a pretty big, it's one of the main reasons, clients contact me for healing sessions. And it's something that you've mentioned a couple of times. And it's about this sense of disconnection. And this has come up really quite a lot recently. And I think in part because of the pandemic, and we went through periods of lockdown, and even now people are still socially distancing. And, you know, there's a lot of you know, between people who are vaccinated, unvaccinated, there's a lot of stress, there's a lot of divisiveness, particularly in the United States, you know, political stuff, and people are picking sides on on things where they really don't need to be picking sides on. But it's just the way the world. But yeah, I mean, people are really disconnected. You know, and they frequently don't even know from what, right there just, I just feel disconnected.

Heather Webster 28:05

And so I love that you, I love that you brought that up, and I love that that's something that you specifically work on. Yep. And it's, it's actually the whole basis of right my podcast and, and, and really, so when I first started working, I was working on like, this whole idea of like, every woman was like, stereotypical lose weight, right. And that just felt not, it didn't, it didn't fit for me, it felt like a negative way to kind of go at something. And as I started to pull apart, what people were really dealing with was a disconnection from themselves. So there's no way they could be connected with the world around them. Right? Because they were not connected with really what was happening within their own system, in who they were to be able to even think about connecting with their friends, their family, their co workers and the bigger world, right. And so, as I've been kind of working with clients, and really pulling out, what does that look like, it's a very, like holistic piece, right? You can't just say, Oh, I'm going to meditate every day. And that's going to make you connected to yourself. Right. And so we dive into a lot about like, you have to be connected. Nutritionally, you need to be connected with your physical body in whatever way that looks like, even going down to like whether you're exercising or you're intimate with a partner, all of which is right. That's emotional and physical. Yeah.

And like really diving into, okay, how are you feeling about your connection to your job? What is that bringing home every day when you come home at the end of the day? Or what is that connection you have? Like, what are you telling yourself as you're going through these different aspects of your life? And typically, if you heal that connection, you're going to have wellness overall, and that weight that you want to lose is going to come off right Are those right? Because there's those things of like, what is is the Earth really feeding you? And, as we've talked about in the past, right, so my, my love is nature, it will always be, I have a poster behind me with a woman walking into the mountains, and it says, and she lives happily ever after. Right? As she's walking into the mountains with a tree over her head, I have another poster over there that says, and into the forest, I go to lose my mind, and to find my soul. So really, when I think about what has healed me and connected me more than anything, is my connection to nature. And that means food, the food that we eat, am I getting the food from somewhere that I know where it's sourced? Is it coming in a package? And it doesn't mean I'm always perfect? Let's be honest. Yeah, I have treats I have things. But I'm also looking at like, am I getting outside every day? Am I taking time to be barefoot? Am I taking time when I'm outside to just be not racing to get to the summit, which I used to do? Now I'm like, oh, cool tree. Let me go give it a hug. Or let me go talk to it and say thank you for letting me be here. And really being super connected to where we came from.

John Moore 31:19

Yes, yes, our source. And we are we we might feel disconnected from nature, but we are nature we're we're we're animals. We know, we have to, you know, our food might be produced in factories, but it came from animals or plants and or we hope oh, gosh, yeah, there's probably food out there that didn't but um, you know, if you're eating right, your food came from animals or plants, and we're intimately connected, we are a part of it, we're not any different. We have, you know, we live in houses, and we have the internet and electronics and all of these things. But you know, we're still as much a part of nature and I love I love that you mentioned spending time barefoot. i When the when it's warm enough, I always walk out to the mailbox and bare feet. And and because I live under a ton of oak trees, I have to be very careful where I step. And so I have to take it slow. And I have to feel the ground under my feet. So I'm not, you know, stomping on an acorn and hurting my foot. You know, but that connection to the earth is so important. So important.

Heather Webster 32:40

Can I share a story? Yeah, absolutely. So last year, when I was going through the mindful outdoor experience training that I was going through, we had a a job that we had to do, I'm gonna say quotes in job because really, this is, as I get into this, if this is my job, it will be amazing. Well, it will be I'm, I'm putting it out there, that's gonna be amazing. And so we were we had this kind of assignment to go and spend the day on the land. And so we had six hours before we were going to come together for counsel at the end of the day. And so I went to this space that I found not too long ago that I just truly love. It's a preserved area called Castle of the clouds, or castle in the clouds, and I just spent six hours maybe getting two miles maybe. Now I'd probably about two, two and a half miles, right. Because we are doing it very mindfully we take I would take time where I would sit and do a sit spot, I would do journaling and for part for probably about half of it. This was in last November. I decided to go barefoot, so pretty cold out. But I was just like, Okay, let's see if I can what this looks like I can always put my shoes back on. I want to feel more grounded. And as I was going, I was like, Oh, this is so cool. This feels so nice. And then at some point, as I was coming back down the hill, my feet started to hurt. And I was like oh do my shoes on. My feet are so cold. And where am I stepping? I started focusing more on my stepping I started focusing on so much that was my physical body. And I was so I slowed down a minute. I was just like, What do I need to know? What am I trying to like? Do I need my shoes back on. And internally I hear stop focusing on your feet and look up because I was looking at every single thing I was going for. Once I looked up, I saw an amazing bird up in the tree as well. Which helped me remind myself to look up. But once I looked up and started walking, my feet stopped hurting. Yeah, so that I quickly journaled what that meant and like but during that time, I had so many messages that came in like that and it was just like, over and over and over again. They were coming and so it reminded did me I've just like, I need, I need to look up in that moment. But I also need to be looking up and looking for messages and signs or signals coming at me. Right throughout my day.

John Moore 35:13

Yeah. And when you plug in, there's so much there's so much wisdom out there. Um, something related to that, that you mentioned before. You're talking to talking about people who were, you know, we're talking about this disconnection and reconnection thing. And, you know, I was one of these people. And you mentioned people say, Well, I meditate every day. And I was one of those people. And I was going through a crisis, and I'm like, I'm just gonna meditate more. Um, and meditation is fantastic. And I and I highly recommend it, and it has its purposes. But like anything, you can use it to completely unplug and become disconnected. And this is a form of spiritual bypassing, where we're not dealing with being connected, we're not dealing with this, we're like, I'm just gonna, like, clear my mind, which is a good thing to do. But to do it in lieu of plugging in and becoming really connected. And one of the things I love about the path of shamanism that I'm on, is that you really are expected to walk in both worlds, right? You're not just constantly journeying and going out of your body. We do work out of our body, but then we bring it back. And we always have to ground that work in and there's a I wish I could remember the podcast, but there's a woman who does a shamanic podcast, and she always asks, that's great, but does it grow corn? Right? Does it grow? The court does it like what you're doing is fantastic. You're doing all these like, cool. And I love this stuff. I do all kinds of esoteric work with in journeying and, you know, get artwork from you know, that and all kinds of stuff. Um, but at the end of the day, I have to feed my children and live in the world and work with clients and work with students and talk to you on this podcast, which I couldn't probably do in trance. Right.

Heather Webster 37:24

And actually pretty fascinating. Yeah,

John Moore 37:27

I mean, I do I do work. I do some work in trance like that. When I do divination work. Oh, I will. I will work in trance. But I don't know what's gonna come out of my mouth. So it's a little worrying. I mean, one

Heather Webster 37:40

of the things you said to right, like when you're talking about, you can't be in that state all the time, because then you disconnect. And they also think it's like the the direct opposite is true as well. If you do meditation in the morning, and you're like, Oh, I'm done with all being present? Because I did my meditation. Yeah. You like it? That's disconnected to have like, there's a way to be present all day. And being connected by it, right, like being present is being connected. And so it's I think you can't be a meditation all day, unless you're doing like some kind of journey or things like that, where you're like, Oh, what was that other? When you're like, in that, like, you take a weekend and you fast for the weekend?

John Moore 38:26

Oh, yeah. Like,

Heather Webster 38:29

yeah, right. Like, that's very different, where you're saying, This is what I'm doing for the weekend, versus like spreading the day. I'm gonna meditate all day and not talk to anybody. I'm not gonna like, I'm gonna be in this own world, or oh, I meditated already. So I'm done. I checked that box. And now I'm going to do my next thing I have to do versus like, being present, even when you're doing the dishes, and thinking, Oh, how does the water feel? How does it feel when it's warm? How does it feel when it's cold? Like, what does it feel like? How grateful Are you the fact that you have water to wash your dishes? I hate washing the dishes, by the way. So this is for me. It's something I'm working on and being like, Oh, this is great. Um, but be in that state of almost like the gratitude connects you?

John Moore 39:14

Yeah, yeah. So I don't know if you're familiar. Are you familiar with Tom Brown, he wrote the book, the tracker and grandfather and he wrote a series of books. And he, as a boy, he lived next door to a Native American family and the grandfather was an Apache Scout, and trained him and all of the ways of tracking and wilderness survival and all of these things. And gosh, about many millions of years ago, I went and did a course with Tom Brown. I went and I went in, studied, did a wilderness survival and tracking course with him and it was fascinating and we did spiritual work, and we did a sweat lodge at the end and it It was really, it was fantastic. It was just a great week. It was like 114. He can we were intense, but you've just forgot about it, because we were like you were so just tuned in at that time. But he talks about and he refers to the, the grandfather, that was his friend's grandfather, who was the Apache Scout, he called him grandfather out of respect. And he talked about he had walked from somewhere, like, maybe a few 100 miles over a few days, and come back. And the first thing he did was, you know, walk back onto the land, and there was a stream running behind the house. And he just scooped the water up in his hands and held it and was praying to it and tears were coming down his eyes. And like that touched me like, like, when when I look at water, like just water, right? Like, how amazing is water, it's this like, clear substance that gives us life that dissolves almost anything that is soft and soft, but can cut through stone over time, and, and can form any shape and just what you know, and I don't, I certainly don't have the insight into water that this gentleman had. But what a miracle and and like to be grateful for something that we see every day can be challenging. And you might have to look at it from a different perspective. But what a miracle everything is, what a miracle that we can have this conversation, right in different states, what a miracle that, you know, light comes into my retinas and forms a picture of you in my brain, like my consciousness is doing that, right. And I don't care how smart computers get. And I have a, you know, I have a multi decade, you know, experience in computer science, I don't care how smart they get, they will never have the subject until we you know, just start growing brains. They will never have the subjective experience of reality that we have. Yeah, they can recognize faces in a photo or what have you. But they don't have the complete experience that we have, which is emotional, which is, you know, on so many different, so many different levels. It's just ones and ones and zeros. Humans are not binary like that. And so they don't, nor are, nor are any spirits binary like that. And I do want to point out that well, we were talking a minute ago and you were talking about looking up that giant bird this ginormous fat squirrel climbed up on my porch railing was like looking at me like, Yeah, throw some food out for me today or what? So I will I will throw some food out for him after.

Heather Webster 42:57

It's amazing how right like I think if you take the time outside and really tuning in, you start to see those things that come right like that squirrel wants food. The other night, I've finished a meditation and I had fallen asleep during it. It was one of Joe dispenses like hour long meditations that I was just laying down. I was like, You know what, let's just do this. Well, like as they fall asleep. And sometimes when you're you do fall asleep, right, the meditation can be even more powerful. And so I fell asleep. And when I woke up probably about five minutes before it ended. And literally like on the second ended, like everything went quiet. And then there was howling, like super loud howling right outside my window. And so then my puppy starts barking so I know it hadn't been happening. And I'll before her because she would have picked that up. She's like, so fascinated with noises right now. And it was just like, it was so loud. And it was like nipping and playing it. It was in there sounded like at least like 10 of them potentially. So it was a pack and I think of of coyotes, because that's really what I could think of that would be around here. But there's just something about that, that I knew there was some kind of message in there. Right, like this idea of this happened. And then there was a whole pack of coyotes. And when I went to unlatch the window to kind of like hear a little bit louder. They had to be super close because they heard me unlatch it and they stopped. And

John Moore 44:33

yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's fantastic. I love experiences like that. In you know, in the shamanic world, we would treat something like that, particularly where there's a synchronicity in time as an omen. And we would, you know, we would do a journey to interpret that because it's really, and I you know, I caution people from like, looking up what their omens mean, in a book or In, you know, online or whatever, because the it's going to be really individual to you, it's going to be something that's meaningful to you. And they happen in context. So what is going, you know, if I were working with a client and trying to interpret and Omen like that, I would say what was going on in your life when that happened? And what? What were you doing right before that while you were doing this, and this happened? So that's a synchronicity. And then they would do journey work around that to try to suss out if that had, you know, what sorts of meanings that might have for you. But yeah, I mean, that's a beautiful thing. When things like that happen. And nature spirits have a way of, of showing up sometimes as birds or coyotes, packs, or fat squirrels or what, what have you that guy has been stocking up for the winter, we have a ton of acorns right now. So they're, they're eating really well, but I'll still, I'll throw some stuff out for him. And I feed the chipmunks in the squirrels and the lots of birds and stuff here. So it's one of the ways that I connect,

Heather Webster 46:14

when we talk about it in the guiding like when I do mindful outdoor garden, we talk about it being like the more than human world, and like the squirrel people and like the coyote people and, and kind of it's just it fascinates me. I've always been fascinated by animals. In my family. Hawks are big. When my dad passed away, I don't know if I've shared this story with you or not. But when my dad passed away, I returned back to school, back to school, I was teaching it I was a toddler teacher at the time. And it was my first day back after he had passed away. And we were going outside for playtime right outside time or recess. And there's I mean, when you go outside with toddlers, they're not quiet, right? And there were two classes of toddlers. So at least 24 kids out there, plus the infants were out there playing as well. And when I walked out the door with the kids, a hawk came and landed on the school roof, and was watching us the whole time. When I called the kids to line up. We were the only class going in at that time. So when I called them to line up. As we were going into the building it flew away. And I was just like, Okay, dad. Uh huh. Right. Thank you. Thank you for saying you're still here. Like, yeah, and it was just an ever since then. Hawks, Bert, like you said birds are huge in my family. Yeah. My grandmother loved birds. My mom loves birds, my uncle lights Bert like, and so whenever I see a hawk, it always reminds me of my dad, like, that's kind of, or deer, right? Like, and I do talk to my dad a lot. Like when I'm trying to get through things. Like when I was running the marathon and doing that training, and I was going through longer runs, I'd be like, Okay, Dad, go alongside me and get me through this. And it's a nice way to kind of just call in the spirits and call in everything that round you to kind of say like, Okay, right now I'm asking for a little bit of support and push, right. And it works for me.

John Moore 48:17

And our ancestors want to support us even if, you know, I might not have had the best relationship with some of my ancestors. And for a really long time. Might have rejected some of them. But um, you know, we're all the product of who knows how many generations of human beings, you know, 20,000 generations of human beings or more. And so there is strength there. And everybody has everybody has somebody in their, you know, some people or someone in their family tree who was crummy in their lifetime. And so yeah, if you you know, if you do the thing or whatever, you might find that some of your ancestors did some things that you wouldn't find to be okay. Um, but what happens when people pass away is the egoic stuff gets stripped away, the trauma gets stripped away, you know, that sort of thing. And so we can heal that we can heal ancestral wounds. But we can also draw a tremendous amount of strength if you think what had to happen, you know, I think about so my grandmother still alive 105 years old, was born in 1916 in Bath, Maine, no electricity running water or heat. Other than, you know, a pot bellied stove or whatever it was a stove that they cooked on heat their house with and whatever. Um, you know, when I think about surviving that, let alone our ancestors that didn't have houses or whatever the strength, the intelligence, the wisdom, that they must have had the ability to work cooperatively we would not have survived as a species without cooperative hunting, for example, or cooperative planting, for example, we could, it is the thing, you know, it is the thing that you know, some lots of primates have this, but you know, we, we have it, and if we didn't have it, we didn't have these connections back to our ancestors. And they didn't have these strengths and these ability to pull together and work and be connected with with nature and with, you know, the world, they wouldn't have fed themselves themselves and they would have died out or they wouldn't have had shelter, and they would have died out or what have you. And so I think about it that way. And we can draw a tremendous amount of strength from our, from our ancestors, which includes our parents, whether they're, you know, still with us or not, and our grandparents again, and all the way on back all the way back for, you know, many, many 1000s of generations. Although I'm I'm from I'm from Maine, so I frequently joke that my family tree looks like a reef. Somebody I, I do a morning, I do a bit, not not a bit. That's not a good word for it. I do a radio segment once a week here in Maine, where callers, you know, people call in and I do dream interpretation for them. And very recently, a man called in and you know, I just get their first name. Oh, this is Sean. Hi, Sean, tell me about your dream. And he's like, oh, you know, we have the same last name where we might be related. Like, we're both in Maine. Man, we're, we're, you know, I would assume whether or not we had the same last name, we're cousins somewhere. It's a It's not that biggest.

Heather Webster 51:47

It's funny, right? Like, you have to be connected. Somehow it no matter what, right? If you go back far enough, I reached out to recently I went to where my dad's family is from in Vermont. And I was exploring kind of the cemeteries, everything for cemeteries, they're just fun to watch around. But if but when you get to see like, Okay, here's where one of your ancestors was buried, right? And I started to see that there was a plaque for somebody in the same area connected for one of another Webster, right? And so I was like, Oh, I wonder if we're related because that person had died yet. Right. So like, it was like a black thing where they're going to be rested. Right? So I actually contacted him. And I was like, maybe related. And so as we went back and forth, there wasn't a clear connection. But we think we started to find a little bit of a connection. And for me, I was really fascinated. It was just interesting. He's a lot older, because I'm so I'm trying to tap into people that maybe, because we have a super small family. And so it's always nice to see, is there maybe some other people out there that you're connected with in ways that you don't even know? And yeah, I mean?

John Moore 53:01

Well, Mike, you know, my grandfather was one of nine kids. So I have many, many, many. Second, third, fourth cousins. Second, you know, great aunts, and uncles, and all of that sort of thing. And there's, you know, there's fascinating stuff there. And some of their, you know, going back and doing, you know, some ancestral research there, there are families with, you know, 13 kids, 14 kids, so there's, you know, think about how many, like, how many people I'm related to, just in this area alone is an NGO, we've been here since, you know, that side of my family has been in Maine, since the 1600s. So, you know, close to 400 years, and that's a lot of generations. And so there's a lot of people that I'm related to, not all with the same last name, but there's a lot of there's a lot of Moore's out there that are, that are probably related to me. And I found I have found cousins on Ancestry and stuff that I didn't know about. One, one kid, I found out kid, he's my age is actually older than I am. But I think of him as a kid because I played with this guy, when I was young, between the age of like five and 10. And then he moved away moved out of state. And just found out that we're cousins, like, crazy through one of these, I can't remember who was ancestry or 23andme, or whatever, but came up as a relative. I'm like, I haven't talked to that guy in, you know, almost 40 years. Like, that's crazy. So, so yeah, yeah, it's we're, we're all connected.

Heather Webster 54:43

And that's where it comes into, like, what's the what? Why was, why was it that you're supposed to play with them as a child and now you're like hearing about them again, right? And are you supposed to reconnect and I'm finding that a lot and part of that's helping with social media, right, so social media has its own ups and downs of what Yes, what is great for but one of the things is really connecting people that you might have lost touch with. But then trying to dive into that more of how can you make those connections more real? I actually reached out to so one of the times I was feeling like that failure piece around the kids, when I had them, I reached out to a friend of mine said, Okay, your social media looks like everything's perfect. Just let me know, is everything perfect for your kids? And she's like, Oh, no, no, no, we you don't see like a minute before that they were screaming at each other and fighting. And so write those things around, like, what is reality? And what is what is people and I think that's another reason why people might be feeling even more disconnected with themselves in the world is that there's this idea of what is perfect, and there's no words. Perfect,

John Moore 55:56

right? So social media. Yeah, I mean, I agree. Like, I have reconnected with lots of people, I would not have been able to reconnect with otherwise great friends from the past that, you know, we've all moved around and done different things. And, but yeah, I mean, so social media is our people's highlight reels, right? Um, I don't post stuff about my kids, when I've had issues with them. You know, but like, when I'm proud of them, I'm gonna post a photo of that, but I, you know, and I've had clients, you know, they're like, Oh, well, I gotta do this, I gotta do this. Because I see, you know, and I remember I worked. You know, I do coaching as well. And I worked with this woman over a couple years, actually. And she was really upset that she was single and couldn't find somebody. And I'm like, Well, you know, what, what's the Russians? Tell me more about that? She's like, Well, I'm just, you know, I'm online. And all of these people are in these fantastic relationships. And I'm like, Are they though? Are they do know for sure that they're all happy? Do you know that they're all healthy relationships? Do you know that? The relationships not you know, and hopefully, some of them are, but you have no way of knowing. And I don't know who there's, there's a quote, and I wish I wish I knew who said it, but I'll look it up, maybe. But comparison is the death of joy. Right? When you start looking at, oh, what's this person doing? And I fall into that trap? I fall into that trap. I'm like, Ah, you know, and I'm trying to get, you know, I'm trying to get, you know, I've got this podcast, and I have an app that just came out, and I've got a YouTube channel, and I've got, like, I'm doing all this stuff. And I'm like, wow, you know, I'm working on a, I'm working on a book and I'm like, why hasn't the shift network called me to do the summit on shamanism? Haven't they heard of me, I see all these people, what do they do? You know, and I'm like, I gotta stop that. That's just crazy. I'm on my path. And I'm going to do what I'm doing. And I'm going to be successful in the way that the universe wants me to be successful. But, and I got to stop beating myself up because I'm, you know, these the, see these people who've been doing this for, you know, some of them longer than I've been alive. Okay, maybe they have maybe, maybe they've been, you know, have a right to some more perks than I, you know, that. I'm working hard. But, you know, I'm also trying to work smart and not. But yeah, I mean, social media can connect us and it can also disconnect us. And it has, unfortunately, some of the stuff particularly that's going on with Facebook. You know, they have been purposefully stirring up divisiveness with some of their their algorithmic stuff, and they know that they're doing it. And I think that that's really unfortunate. That that's been that that's been going on I have I've lost friends on social media. I think probably because, I mean, sometimes like somebody show, turns up turns out to be very racist. And I'm like, um, we might have been friends in high school, but I cannot have that in my life. That's not going to work out. I have mixed race children, and there can be no part of racism in my life. You know, so that's, that's something and then I did, I looked up an old friend from junior high, when I moved back to me and I lived in Boston for for 20 years. And, um, when I moved back, I looked up an old friend from junior high and found them on the sex offender registry, and that was clearly not, you know, a friendship that I needed to rekindle. So there's, you know, there's a little bit to be said for that. But, um, I, you know, like to use tools to connect and I hope that I'm trying to be more people useful about the way I communicate with people and you know, less divisive, it's hard. I'm, I'm an opinionated person. You know, well, I'm

Heather Webster 1:00:10

right. It's why we do what we do, right? We want to get the the, we want to get the message out to everybody. And at the same time, we're going to lose people potentially. That might have been, oh, we like your message, but we don't like that message. And it's, and that's okay. And I'm the same way if, if, if I see that you are racist, if I see that there's some hatred towards a certain group of people, any of those kinds of things. It's like, that's not okay with me. And I'm okay to lose those people. But at the same time, when when you see things happening on social media, you're like, Oh, I was unfriended. I wonder why. Right? And so you go into your inner talk of like, why did they unfriend me? What did what happened? And oh, did I say something incorrect? And then going back to like, Wait, what is my message? Yeah, am I who do I want to be? I obviously wasn't the right person for that person. The same reason I unfriended that other person because they were racist. And like, knowing obviously, very different reasons, but knowing that you can't be there for everybody, and sometimes social media, because you watch all these people with so many people who have so many followers, and, and then you go in you realize that they bought their followers? Oh, yeah, those kinds of things. And it's just you just have to be like, Okay, I'm going to center myself. Who am I? Where am I going? Right? Yes. Like, somebody was saying the other day, I was listening to this seminar. And she was talking, and she's really well known for just being an amazing speaker, and really just empowering people. And she said, Yeah, somebody asked me if I wanted to be on Oprah. And she goes, who mean Oprah to be the person that you have to be on that show? And right, Oprah is just a person. Right? Right. Do I have to strive to be on Oprah. Now, I would love to be on Oprah. She said, but she's like, but that's not what I'm striving for. I'm striving for getting my message out and connect. Yeah.

John Moore 1:02:16

Yeah. So it's, it is like, yeah, it's, you know, Oprah, as lovely and wonderful as she is, um, you know, talking about not her as a person, but her as the entity of the show and the business and all of that. It's a tool to get the message across. But why has that big? Yeah, for real? Why has that become the arbiter of how we measure success? And can't we measure success? All in our own each individual way? And it's hard because there's pressure, there's a lot of cultural stuff about what success looks like, is it financial? Is it? I have so many followers, I've seen the point of like, people buying their followers, I've seen like brand new Instagram accounts with 60,000 followers, I'm like, okay. You're not a famous person. So it wasn't, it wasn't like Oprah started an Instagram account and got a million followers that I could understand this is just some random person that also like pops up with 60,000 followers? And is that number a measure of success? And are you really getting a message to those people? Because it paid them to, you know, or however it works? I'm not exactly sure. I know that I've seen stuff where you can pay for a certain number of followers. They can't, they're either not real or whatever. But they're not interested in what you have to say,

Heather Webster 1:03:38

right? They're not your ideal client, right? Or you're like the person you're wanting to reach. Right?

John Moore 1:03:42

And I'd love to be on Oprah. But I don't know that Oprah's audience would care about what I have to say, you know, you know, I would I never pass up an opportunity to speak to anybody, but but, you know, would that be successful for me, you know, or whatever. So just a brief, brief, funny story. So I used to live in Boston, and a really good friend of mine worked at Harvard University. And she would every morning, stop into this cafe and get breakfast, same place. It was a very popular local place. It turns out that Ben Affleck used to like to go there when he lived in Boston. And Oprah did a special where she went back to Boston with Ben Affleck and he took her around and brought her into this cafe. Well, for about six months after that, my friend could not stop in and get breakfast there because there were lines out the door. And everybody wanted to order what Ben Affleck ordered which was something odd that you know, off the menu or something. And these these poor, not poor but like the it was two brothers that ran this cafe. They like within two days after that episode aired, they ran out of food One of them was getting married. And there were like, we didn't know how to manage. Like, we didn't know how to deal with this, like it was overwhelming. And again, like, yeah, it was this huge boost for their business for six months, or however long it was. But are those people going to become the lifelong client? Or customer? Like my friend is who goes there every day to get breakfasts day in and day out for years to get breakfast? So

Heather Webster 1:05:29

great. Yeah, yeah. What a great story, because they also could have potentially lost their ideal people.

John Moore 1:05:35

Yeah, yeah. Well, they lost, you know, I mean, she went back eventually. And this is the only reason I know this story is because she talked to that she knows the guys who own it. And they're like, they were like, just days, they're like, oh, my gosh, Oprah. I don't know. But they didn't, you know, and they, I don't know if they knew they were coming in or not. But they definitely were not prepared for what happened. And I know, like similar things where I know, people got a product, the people were manufacturing a product, they got it listed on QVC. And they couldn't keep up with the demand. They can produce it quickly enough for the sales for QVC. So QVC dropped them. So that was that they're done. They can't go on QVC anymore. So yeah, there's this thing about like, instant success, and then instant fizzle, right? And the the effect that that can have on people where when you're reaching and connecting with the right, the right people, the people, and whatever you do, if you do it, well, there are people out there that want want to want to connect with you and receive the benefits of that. And, you know, you and I are both people who have our hearts in the right place. We're both really into helping other people. And we can't help everybody we can't, there are people who would never accept the way that I help people. And that's fine. That's not my Those aren't my people. But I hope, you know, I hope they find what they need in another way. But that's fine. You know, it's cool. I can't, you know,

Heather Webster 1:07:07

it almost sounds like a huge like lesson right there for the person who is the like, the cafe owner. And then like the QVC. And I think of people that like, win the lottery, right, and they lose it instantly. And I think about kind of what's that lesson overall of if you're wishing or manifesting for something more greater than what you're supposed to get. It's almost like some people might get that and then have to be taught the lesson. Yeah, you gotta slow it down a little bit, or seeing what, where you are and what's best for you, your business, the people around you. Yeah, yeah. Not that I wouldn't want to win the lottery.

John Moore 1:07:50

I think I wouldn't turn that down either. Well, we have, I'm looking at the clock, I talked to him for a very long time. And I know that you have something to get to in very shortly. And I don't want to, I want to respect your time. But it has been, you know, again, like when I came on your podcast, we just could talk forever and never run out of things to talk about. So what I'm going to propose is that we should probably in the future, do each other's podcasts again, because we've clearly have more stuff to talk about. And I hope that I hope that that that works for you. This has been just a fantastic and fascinating conversation. And I want to thank you for coming on, but also how before I forget how it you know, so people are interested in what you do. How do they find you? How do they get in touch with you?

Heather Webster 1:08:39

Sure, yeah. And it's been an amazing pleasure as you as we've talked about in the past, like Time flies when we're having conversation, I would love to kind of keep this partnership going. Yeah. And so they can find me, I have a website, You can find me on Instagram @HeatherWebsterWellness. You can also find my Facebook group at Heather Webster wellness. And but you can find all of that if you go to Instagram, I have a link tree link in there where a lot of this stuff is listed.

John Moore 1:09:10

And I'll put links up in the show notes. So depending upon how you listen to this, it you know, it might not show up in iTunes or something but you can go into the show notes and there will be there will be at least the URL and stuff for each of these things. So

find it there and definitely, definitely check Heather out. She's got a lot of really, really very interesting and cool stuff going on that that that I jive with. And just once again, thank you for. Thanks for coming on.

Heather Webster 1:09:42

Thank you. Alright, so

John Moore 1:09:43

you're gonna hear some music and then then the outro and then we'll

Announcer 1:10:18

You have been listening to speaking spirit with your host, John more. For more info or to contact John go to That's

Ep37 Magic, Manifestation, and the Law of Attraction

Announcer 0:29

Hello, and welcome to speaking spirit where we talk about all things spiritual. Your host, John Moore is a shamanic practitioner and spiritual teacher. And now here's John.

John Moore 0:45

Hello, hello, everybody. Nice to talk to you again.

I know. So I, I recorded a podcast not that long ago, but it had been about three weeks since I recorded one. For good reasons I have been, I wrote a chapter of a book that is being published, I had a writing deadline, and fortunately met it. And I'll have more details about that, as the book nears publication, but it's a book about relationships. And I wrote a chapter about sacred relationships and how to deepen your relationship spiritually. So that's coming up. I've also been doing for some, some reason, I'll maybe talk about that a little bit today. I've been doing a lot of radio and podcast guest appearances. I have another one coming up tomorrow, I had several last week, I've got another one on Friday. So you know, it's fun, it's nice. I love to spread the word about the things I love to talk about, namely, spirit and shamanism and all kinds of stuff. So today is Well, I'll tell you this, it is very early, this is earlier than I usually record these, but I woke up earlier this morning. And I decided to do a little reading, perusing, you know, perusing the web as it were, and reading some things and, you know, I like to know, my mind goes in different places very early in the morning and very late at night. And so like, you know, and I am, though I teach shamanism and I talk a lot about spirituality. I'm a very scientifically minded person, I actually have I have a master's degree in a scientific field. You know, and I spent decades working in computer science, I realized anything, usually anything with the word sciences, and it is an art and not a science. And that's a little bit what computer science is, but you know, it, it informs my thinking, you know, the way that I solve problems and the way that I think algorithmically, they beat that stuff into you. So I got up and I started reading today. And there was an article in sort of a, you know, popular scientific website where they put out a lot of stuff about you know, new, new thinking around things, and new, you know, really big movements in science and that sort of thing. So this article came up for me this morning, and I think it's fortuitous because I just have been talking about things like magic and manifestation and law of attraction. And in fact, that's what I'm going to be talking about today. I'll call this podcast, magic manifestation and the law of attraction. And so anyway, this article came up, and I always pay attention to synchronicities when things come up better a theme or a rhyme with something I'm already looking at or doing. And this article says, is human consciousness creating reality? Interesting idea, scientifically. Not so new in the spiritual realm. And so this is an article about an article in how they write popular articles about science articles for for us lay people to understand although I very frequently will go and download, you know, science articles that I read, read popular articles about because sometimes they are misrepresented, but this is basically A paper about a paper that was put out by a bunch of authors, including a man named Robert Lanza, who is an expert in stem cells and regenerative medicine. And he, I don't know if he created or popularized the theory of biocentrism that says that consciousness is the driving force for the existence of the whole universe, particularly well, in his perspective, biological consciousness. Um, you know, this is where I might differ a little bit biological consciousness is I think biology is a receiver of consciousness more than a creator of consciousness, but we can argue there. So anyway,

the the argument is that, you know, the universe kind of exists as a field of quantum probability is there's all of the, you know, quantum foam underneath everything. And that by observing or you know, observing things, by having things come up in our consciousness, we collapse the probabilities. Right? So there's the whole Schrodinger his cat thought experiment, which isn't quite what people think it is, it was actually a way that Schrodinger was making fun of, of, of quantum, you know, some quantum ideas of, you know, super, what we call superpositions, things can be a thing and not a thing at the same time. And Schrdinger's cat, you have a cat in the box, and there is some device in the box that is, you know, 5050, whether it poisons the cat, you know, releases poison gas into the box and kills the cat. And until you open the box up, and observe the cat, the cat is 50% alive and 50% dead, but when you observe the cat, the cat, you know, the, the reality collapses, the probability collapses, and your cat is definitely alive, hopefully, um, you know, and, and that, that's kind of the idea that we observe, or our consciousness solidifies reality out of all of these probabilities. My problem with Schrodinger cat is it assumes the cat isn't conscious. And, you know, this is a very human centric as is this article, very human centric, that it's human consciousness that is creating the universe. And I can tell you, I can tell you that, you know, no matter how you feel about animals, whether you eat them, or wear them or a vegan, or what have you, the animals are indeed conscious. So our plants and trees and rivers and rocks, it's consciousness on a very different level, than we might experience it, but it is indeed consciousness. And I think my experience has that the entire universe is a field of consciousness. So it's very haughty, it's very human centric to say that, Oh, it's, you know, it's human consciousness that's creating the universe. I think consciousness Yes. Is human consciousness, all of it? Certainly not. If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody's around to hear it, does it truly make a sound? Well, you know, are there birds in the forest and ants and aardvarks or whatever, you know, all of these things. So. But, you know, the important point here is that these are scientifically minded people putting forth a theory and I, you know, I don't know how they might prove that scientifically, but there are some very smart people out there designing cool experiments. And, you know, maybe someday we'll, you know, we'll see that that, you know, be able to have some more scientific proof that this is the case, it's, it's, you know, it's a theory, it's hypothesis. I realized those two things are different. But, you know, it's an idea that, you know, that jives with a lot of spiritual belief. Right, going back to the beginning of time, the beginning of human evolution and consciousness and religiosity for lack of a better term spirituality. When everybody was shamanic, no. Sounds interesting to me that everybody was practicing shamanism. before, before we had anything else. Um, so let's talk about this a little bit. And so I have this, I have a couple of working theories myself. And one of those theories is that the deeper you go into anything, the more spiritual it becomes the fine. Pardon me. As you may know, if you listen to these, I don't edit them. So you'll get my little early morning. voice cracks and stuff. I'm just a sip of coffee here.

A little warm liquid anyway. So the deeper you go into anything, the more spiritual becomes this includes absolutely anything in that. And I think that includes physics. I think physics is very mechanical, right. And I can tell you that, you know, Isaac Newton himself thought that the mechanical nature of the universe was proof of God's great design, yes, he was coming from a Christian perspective. But we should note that Isaac Newton, at least 10 to 15% of his journals were about experiments and alchemy. So he was interested in how the universe worked, and saw that, you know, this universe is very orderly, and that a lot of it was proof that of Intelligent Design. You know, fast forward to, you know, quantum physics and that sort of thing. And we get into really spooky things like quantum entanglement where two particles can affect each other, over great physical distances with no known connection between them. Right, we've sent we've essentially teleported information in the lab, through, you know, we've sent information from one place to another through quantum tunneling, without passing any of the space in between. You know, and we're just starting, we're, we are pre infants, we're basically in the fetal stage of, of figuring this stuff out and learning about it from a scientific perspective. But lots of you know, lots of the people who worked on things like the nuclear bomb and, and back in the day, and stuff like that we're sort of started to, you know, think in more spiritual terms, you know, still putting things in, in terms of physics, but stuff just becomes more about consciousness and the way that the Universe works, and the way that consciousness affects the universe, so consciousness affects the universe. We know this, we know that observation can change physical reality. If you are unfamiliar, there's something called the double slit experiment that shows if we, you know, pass light through a pair of slits in a piece of cardboard or something, we can cause that light to behave as waves or particles, depending upon how we observe it. How does light know that we're observing it? You know, how does it know? So consciousness or measurement in scientific terms, affects physical reality in ways that we can experiment with and use and not really explained at this point. Someday, perhaps. So let's talk a little bit about magic. I've given my working definition of magic before, but I will give it again, I always like to define my terms, just so you know what I'm talking about, not because my terms are better than anybody else's. But if I use a word in a way that's different, you know, it might cause some misunderstanding, and a lot of the ways that I think about things and use them or maybe not so common. So, magic. So you know, there have been lots of definitions of magic. I'm not talking about stage magic, though. I love stage magic. I love to watch stage magic, magic, beautiful performances. There's lots of new stuff being done. I grew up on David Copperfield and Doug Henning and Penn and Teller, um, but magic, real magic, the stuff you know, we might think of it as witchcraft, or wizardry or sorcery or all of these things, from a sort of non fictional perspective.

And I'll you know, paraphrase Alistair Crowley a little bit who was an I will say, an infamous magician, by all accounts, not a very nice guy but wrote some very seminal text that are still being used today to study occultism. And that his, you know, his wave of thinking called Thelema still exists, there are still people who practice it. So anyway, he, he said that magic is causing change in accordance with will. And, you know, I think that is a good, I think it's a good start. I think it's too broad. It's too inclusive, maybe because I can, you know, I can ask someone to pass me the salt, and they do. And is that a magical act? Maybe not? We probably wouldn't consider that magic. Maybe you do? Maybe. But I wouldn't, I would consider that a very ordinary act. Unless that unless the, you know, I was asking a god or goddess, for example, to pass the salt. And that worked. So I'm going to, you know, I'm going to change it up a little bit my definition is using non ordinary non physical means to influence reality. Influence, right. So in physics, in quantum physics, are talking about these fields of probability. And I think the things that we do that could be considered magic are working on influencing probabilities. Right? We can we can push probability around, you know, can I, you know, hold up my hand and do some magic and have a gold coin appear in my hand. Um, you know, that is a very improbable Act, is very improbable that that would occur. However, it's not impossible. According to physics, through quantum tunneling, there is a very small, infinitesimally small, but nonzero chance that that might occur. And, you know, maybe there are magicians who are powerful enough to do that I have not witnessed that particular thing, although I have seen some things that defy reality, you know, changed, changed my view on how reality works. But that's, you know, it's, it's much harder to influence things that are probabilistically very impossible. So or not very possible, I should say, not impossible. So, for example, let's talk about a little bit about law of attraction, which people know is a, you know, popular method of, you know, popular description of some Olds thinking that, you know, you can about this very thing that you can affect reality based on your thinking and your feeling. And this is all, you know, there's a truth to that, and I do like the pot, you know, the secret and all of that stuff. But I do think that that led people to sitting around and wishing real hard, and then wondering why the law of attraction wasn't working for them. And I boil it down in a nutshell for you, right here in this podcast. So hang on, I'm going to teach you how to get the law of attraction to work for you, or work better for you anyway. So you know, really, you know, if the law of attraction if manifestation, and magic all work, they're all things they exist. How come I can't sit on my couch and think real hard and win the lottery. Right. So first of all, I don't play the lottery. I don't, I don't buy lottery tickets. So that would make that next to impossible. Very, very improbable. But let's take take something like the Powerball which is if you don't know the Powerball is a huge multi state lottery here in the United States they've had jackpot some of their biggest jackpots are like half a billion dollars can't even imagine. So your odds of winning Powerball are like one in 300 and something million to win the jackpot that is a lot in and it's chosen by you know, having these physical balls that roll you know, that roll out of the machine that are picked very much physically at random.

So beyond the sheer odds of not winning, there is the you know, the the physical randomness, the chaos in the system, and trying to influence that by thought alone is challenging, it's far easier to influence things that are more probable, right? Like you might manifest finding a new job, you know, that sort of thing. So, let me talk about if you've tried law of attraction and manifestation, and it hasn't really worked for you. Um, let me explain a little bit why that might be and how you might have better results and things you want to manifest. And I will say that I don't like, ultimately, I think anything is possible in an infinite and expanding universe. Just probabilistically anything is literally possible. Probable is another story, right? So, you know, this is not to say you have to try to manifest easy things, but I have, I've worked in ways where you start with small things, and you manifest larger and larger and larger things, and I have experimented with that successfully in my life. And someday I will talk about that in, in a, in a podcast episode, not this one. But it's kind of a long story. Um, but you know, let's say I want to manifest a new job, I'm, you know, I'm out there looking for work, and I want to want to find a new job, you're going to increase your chances of something, if you get into congruence. And congruence or alignment means that all of your systems, or at least most of them, are working together. So let's say that I do want to find a new job. And I, you know, I want to manifest a new job. But I don't put my resume out there. And I don't go any job interviews. Well, that's not very congruent behavior, and my heart might be in the right place. But the chances of a job falling in my lap like that are very, very slim, I'm, I'm decreasing the probability that that's going to happen. Excuse me, if I want to manifest that I lose weight. But I eat two whole pizzas every day for lunch. That's going to be very challenging. I'm going to be moving out of congregants and alignment. So you know, the idea that you don't have to do anything physical, and you can manifest your dreams is nice, that will be nice if things work that way. And sometimes they do. But you're decreasing your odds. You want the odds to be in your favor, when you want to manifest something. So if you want to manifest, you know, the love of your life, you may have to get out there and meet people, you lock yourself in a closet, and never go out. Maybe people will send the firemen in to break down your door and one of them will be the love of your life. I don't know. But the chances of that happening, decrease. So you can so you know, magic manifestation Law of Attraction is all about dealing with probabilities, it's all about increasing probabilities until things happen for you. And, you know, there there does seem to be a skillet it to where some people can just step into the flow of the universe because they get they get what they want almost at a thought almost had an intention. Sometimes this takes practice because we have all kinds of stuff going on in our thoughts, we have unconscious thoughts, which is actually the majority of our thoughts, we have fears we have all kinds of things. So if you think about a human being, think about yourself as a as a system of systems, we have a body which is itself a system of systems because it has circulatory, nervous, digestive, reproductive, all of these different systems, endocrine system that work together, we have a mental system which has many, many parts.

We have spiritual systems, which have many, many parts. And if you know if I were driving down the road in my car and I'm trying to drive straight but I turn the wheel to the right So my two tires are facing to the two front tires are facing to the right, I am not going to go straight. So if I think really hard that I want to lose some weight, I want to drop some body fat. You know, that is my mental system. And I might even have some emotion behind that. You know, I might even get into spiritual alignment with that. But if I eat a couple of pizzas every day, I'm probably not going to lose weight, because a good portion of my system, in fact, the system I'm trying to influence, which is my body is out of alignment with that. Okay, if I buy if I pay for a gym membership, but I never go to the gym, I'm not going to get into shape. And I might do all the magic in the world, but it's far easier for me just to show up to the gym. That being said, if I want to lose weight, and we know that most people fail most diets, they'll succeed for a while, and they'll fail, they'll put all the weight on plus, plus more. And, you know, a big part of that is they're not bringing their mind and emotions along for the ride. So they're influencing physical reality. So again, like success in any endeavor, is much easier when you get get into alignment. When you take divine inspired physical action, it helps things in the physical realm. So if you're trying to affect physical reality, the easiest way to do that is by in physical reality in the plane, in the plane of existence where things are. That being said, you know, the spiritual plane, the astral plane, the mental plane, the causal plane, all interact, they all interact with the physical, and they all interact with each other. And so you can apply influences there. This is why we light birthday candles, make a wish and blow them out. Right, this is a wish, it's it's an act of magic, whether you think it is or not. This is why we throw a coin in a wishing well. And that is sort of about making offerings. It's really making offerings to like, you know, if it's, if it's a natural well, especially, it's about making offer offerings to water spirits. You know, but so you know, that you can affect physical reality through thought through emotion through spiritual means. But it's going to be easier if you do some physical work as well if you get into if you get into action. And I realized this runs counter to what a lot of people want to happen. And notice, I said, it gets easier. I didn't say it becomes possible. Because I do think that there have been times in my life where I have been able to create circumstances that I didn't do anything for physically. But I did a lot of spiritual work. So I'm not dissuading you from doing that kind of thing. But if you're finding, you know, you need to treat this stuff as an experiment. And most magicians, if you read the works of like, people doing alchemy and magic and stuff, most solo magicians from Renaissance back. were experimenting with stuff. Let me try this, see if it works. Let me try that, see if it works. So if you're not getting the results you want, you need to change your methods. And I'm trying to give you some pointers here. But the better you can get yourself into alignment and congruence, the more likely, the more probable your outcomes are going to be what you desire.

So, you know, you got you got to put it out there. So you know, I do this, I do this podcast, for example. This is a labor of love. I just like a lot. I like talking like I'm talking about things that I'm really interested in. But it is also a way for me to reach out to the world and get more people to know me. And you know, it's it's a bit of a marketing tool. I'm not going to be too shy about that, although I don't use it strictly as that and I don't really, I don't push don't push anything, I hope. I hope it doesn't come across that I'm pushing anything here because I don't want to I don't want it to be like that right but you know, I'm putting my And my effort out there into the world. And through this podcast through other means I, you know, write a blog, I have a YouTube channel, all kinds of stuff. So, you know, this is stuff, you know, this is stuff that I do that enhances my, my business, I'm putting energy out into the world, I'm doing physical things I'm, you know, getting my mind and spirit into alignment. And so lots of opportunities opened up for me, not just because of this podcast, but in parts, I get opportunities to speak in the radio, I get opportunities to guess on other people's podcasts, more people hear about me, more people contact me for for different reasons. You know, I get opportunities to contribute to books and write articles and do all kinds of stuff. Because there's some alignment there. With what I'm doing spiritually, I'm also putting effort out into the effort out into the world. So, you know, anything we do to influence the world around us through non ordinary means, and this is where is where I think magic differs than from other things, because I can influence like, if I go buy a lottery ticket, I'm influencing my chances of winning the lottery not buy a whole lot, well actually buy a whole lot because my chances were practically zero before but I'm increasing my chance from like, practically zero to one and 300 million, which is close enough to zero that I don't make an effort there. But um, you know, going and buying a lottery ticket isn't an act of magic. But if I were to do some ritual around there in attempt to influence, you know, bring those odds, align 300 million points of data to match my exact ticket and when that would be an act of magic. So any non physical, non ordinary things you do. So, you know, a lot of people might differ with my definition. But I think things like prayer are acts of magic, I think blowing up birthday candles or, or throwing a quarter in a wishing well, or I think shamanism is definitely magic, witchcraft, Reiki, all of these things are magical acts. They're meant to use non ordinary non physical means to influence reality, to bring health to bring whatever, you know, part of the reason people might not see it that way is that there's been 1000s of years of anti magic propaganda out there, like you don't do magic, because you are that's from the devil. Oh, but here, make an offering and light a candle and pray so that your loved one can recover in the hospital. But that's not magic. But, you know, we can differ but I will beg to differ at that point. You know, if you're, if you're praying for certain results, or you're praying even just for enlightenment, that's, that's a form of reality. So So in my definition, the use of non physical non ordinary means to influence reality, I didn't just say physical reality. So things we do to influence our mental reality and our spiritual reality and the different realities that we shamanic practitioners tend to, you know, visit other realms of reality. Those are acts of magic as well.

Hmm. So I didn't, you know, I'm not just saying physical reality. So there are lots of things we can do. There's dream work, right? We can influence dreaming reality. There is, you know, stuff we can do. We can wear, you know, talismans to help us increase our mental ability to pass a test or, you know, do some, you know, do some work or we can have something to increase our luck. And in many spiritual systems, luck is a an energy, it's a force. It's part of our energy anatomy. There's let's talk about luck. I'll do another podcast about luck. That'll be fun. Maybe I'll do that around. St. Patrick's Day. honor my Irish heritage looks a big deal and In my, you know, my Norse ancestors, my, you know, my Viking ancestors. There's, you know, there's an energy anatomy there that lock, there's something called the hummingbird, which is like this energy backpack that carries around your luck. Yeah, I'll do a whole podcast about that at some point. Talk about luck. That'll be fun. So but, you know, I wanted to talk about, you know, magic manifestation law of attraction, law of attraction. There is, you know, there's something to be said, there's a lot to be said for it in the kind of fake it till you make it. Attitude, right. So, act as if the thing you want is already present. Right. So if I want to manifest a new job, I meditate, I pretend I pretend like that job is already present, I imagine what it's like, I feel the emotions that I would feel when i As if I have this now. And the reason why that is and can be an effective tool is that it tends to promote this congruence, it tends to make us act and think and emote together. The problem comes, there is sometimes a problem. There is some research to show that positive, that unwarranted positive thinking, This isn't to say, Oh, I'm having a rough time. But I know I'm going to make it through here that is positive thinking, that's, you know, that works really well. But, um, you know, if I'm being evicted from my home, and about to live on the streets, and I'm thinking to myself, I live in a mansion, I live in a mansion, I live in a mansion. Um, at some point, I'm going to create some significant amount of cognitive dissonance there. And that has been shown in some research to actually lead to severe depression. So, um, you know, and in my mind is a form of spiritual bypassing. And spiritual bypassing is sort of pretending, pretending like we don't have any problems, because we're spiritual people see this all the time, it's maybe maybe the number one problem out there with spirituality. Oh, I am above anger, and I have no bad feelings because I have eliminated them. I am, you know, a level three master of spiritual emotion, etc, etc, etc. This isn't meant to put anybody down or be pejorative, but it it has become a problem, particularly in more New Age circles, where people don't recognize what's actually going on within themselves. And they're living

kind of in a deluded way. And using spirituality as a crutch. In the same way that people use drugs to escape reality. People can use spirituality to escape reality. One of the things I really like about the path that I'm on shamanism is that is very grounded. And, you know, even though I spend a significant amount of time in non ordinary reality, I am expected to walk in both worlds. And, you know, there's, there's an expression and I don't know where it came from, but I heard it on a shamanic podcast once, and I am so I'm sorry that I can't attribute this to anybody. But you know, it was a woman podcaster I can't even remember her name. And I feel bad about that. But if I can figure out where this came from, I heard it years ago, if we can figure out where this came from, I will, I promise, I will add some notes to this podcast or something. crediting people because I do like to give people credit where it's due, but I just think this is brilliant, and it stuck with me. And, you know, talk about a subject and then say, but does it grow corn? Meaning that, particularly among indigenous people in North America, you know, you're relying on your spiritual leaders Well, everywhere, in indigenous people everywhere, you're relying on your spiritual leaders for survival purposes, right? Okay. It's great that you can travel to all of these other realms, but in physical reality, Are you starving to death because you didn't grow corn or you weren't able to? hold down a job or you know, that sort of thing. And this is against this is sort of against the idea of using spirituality as an escape, there's a, there's a fine line between using spirituality as an escape and using it as part of a solution to a problem. So this is where this positive thinking can break things down, break down a little bit. Because if people are just ignoring reality, and not taking care of the things that they're supposed to take care of, not doing self care not doing, taking care of all of the various realms, we live in mind, body, and spirit. Um, you know that that's a problem, you are not just a spiritual being, your body is, is important, as long as you have one as well. I like to place importance on every part of you, your body is important, it is the vehicle that you're using in this reality, and someday you will shed that and not have this opportunity again, perhaps I mean, you'll, you know, if you do the reincarnation thing, you will be reborn into a different body, but you will never have this exact opportunity again. So take care of it. Take care of your body, take care of your physical needs, take care of your mental and emotional needs. And take care of your spiritual needs. You know, there's an expression from cars, firing on all cylinders, right? So if you know how, and you know, engines, gas engines work, they, you know, they have these cylinders, that have you know, that, that move up and down, and they, you know, essentially suck in gasoline, you know, as an aerosol. And then they compress it, and then the spark plugs fire. And that causes, you know, like little explosions inside your engine that keeps the pistons moving back and forth, right. And, you know, if you are, let's say you have a six cylinder car, and only three cylinders are working. You know, this might not be the exact math as to how that works. But, you know, you're only going to be working at 50% effectiveness. Maybe less than that, I don't know, I don't know the math for how engines work if but firing on all cylinders means that you're firing at full power that all of your cylinders are working, that your mind, your body, and your spirit are working together. When you get things into alignment. When you get that congruence, I think there's almost it makes, it makes the impossible possible. It makes things happen. This is where this is where magic happens. It's where magic is effective. And, you know, this is where the law of attraction comes into place.

So if you're just sitting on the couch, wishing really hard, that circumstances are going to change in your life, you may have some small influence on probability, but the act of sitting on the couch is probably going to have a greater influence on probability. Your inaction will have a greater influence on things and so you know, get into alignment get into congruence, magic will happen. Our consciousness does affect the universe, but so does everybody else's. Right, the 100 and 50 million other people playing Powerball each week, are also wishing real hard that they win. And, you know, part of the reason the jackpots gets so big is that there is not a winner every week. So I don't know if people are canceling out each other's wishes or that sort of thing. And that gets into, you know, the idea of ecological being ecological. If when I'm wishing for harms others or causes harms harm to me in some other way, you know, you know, I can give I won't give a personal example of that, but I can tell you that there was a period of time where something I wished for came true and it really kind of messed my life up for a while, because I didn't think of the repercussions of getting what it was that I wanted. And I paid for that for a long time. So you know, something to consider, be ecological because you just might be magic, you are magic. You can't help but influence the universe even on non physically you're doing it whether you were doing it unconsciously most of the time. So that being said, this is a little bit of a shorter podcast I hope this has been informative, giving you something to think about some, some tips if you practice manifestation. If you don't practice manifestation, you're manifesting anyway. You're just not practicing it. You're just not doing it consciously. So be conscious in your manifestation get into alignment, get into congruence, and things will happen for you. I know it I am an example of it and I wish you all the happiness in the world. I wish you good luck, I wish you to remain healthy and happy.

Announcer 46:24

You have been listening to speaking spirit with your host, John more. For more info or to contact John go to That's

Ep21 Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Announcer 0:28

Hello, and welcome to speaking spirit where we talk about all things spiritual. Your host, john Moore is a shamanic practitioner and spiritual teacher. And now his john.

John Moore 0:45

Everybody it is, per usual when I record these things, morning time. It is an overcast morning here, but I'm watching the Chipmunks I've lots of chipmunks jumping joyously through the through the grass looks like we got some rain last night. And I don't I don't know, maybe they're enjoying the wet grass, or they're hopping about it brings me some joy, love to watch wildlife and birds and all of those sorts of things. Today's topic should be interesting, and I hope very useful. And it's definitely, I mean, everything I talk about is essentially near and dear to my heart. It's something that I care significantly about, it's something I might teach about when I do classes in person or online. And this is something that is important. It's a popular topic, not necessarily why I picked it just for its popularity. But today I'm going to talk about manifestation and the law of attraction, and all things sort of around that. And I hope that I'm going to offer because, gosh, there's a lot of heat around this topic, right? This topic has been popular for decades. Going back, even before the book and movie, The Secret, the secret sort of made it really popular, but there were teachers of law of attraction prior to the secret going back, you know, obviously 1000s of years if you go back to, to ancient magics, and that sort of thing, but sort of from the popular route. We have folks like neville goddard, who think I could be wrong on this, but I think it was active in the 20s 1920. So you know, 100 years ago, you know, there was at least some some interesting information about this that was in on the popular scene. And, you know, on a personal basis, I have you used techniques, I've used spiritual techniques of manifestation to create lots of things in my life. Jobs, you know, relationships. And, you know, money. When I've, when I've, you know, needed some needed some money, it's, it's come along, and I've used techniques that could be considered a law of attraction to do that. So I'm going to talk about that a little bit. I'm going to talk about sort of what it is where people kind of go wrong with it. So I'm going to hopefully give you some really practical information if you've ever struggled to get law of attraction to work as most people have. You know, everybody didn't read the secret and then win the lottery. Right when that be cool, but you know, that that's just not how it works. And I'm also going to talk to you about where it can go wrong a little bit. Right. I have had some things happen that were supposed to, you know, supposed to happen. I think everything is supposed to happen. But were unintended unpleasant consequences of doing manifestation work. So we'll talk all about that today. Now, there are tons and tons of techniques of manifestation. right there's there's the you know, the law of attraction shouldn't work in the secret there's, you know, straight up what we call magic, sometimes spelled with ma gic K and you know, the, the I don't know what you want to call them teacher, author, founder of Salima Alastair Crowley defined magic as change in accordance with Will causing change in accordance with? Well, that's a very broad definition of magic, right? If I stand up and walk over to my refrigerator and grab a pitcher of iced tea and pour myself a glass, did I cause change in accordance with my will? Well, we'd have to define well, but sure, right. And is that is that magic, even though I did it on a physical level. So in essence, everything we do that creates a change, that is intentional, could be considered Well, I mean, could be considered magic can be considered manifestation. So I want to set a little bit of a baseline here and say that,

you know, when we hear the word manifestation or manifesting, in relationship to spirituality, we tend to think about things that are miraculous, you know, you know, I sit down and I pray, and a box of money drops out of the sky into my lap or something. Or I sit down and pray and I'm cured of some disease or what have you. And you know, that true those things would be forms of manifestation. However, I want to explain to you that we are constantly manifesting, we're just not conscious of it. At a very real level, so let me, you know, let me explain. So you're, you're hearing, you know, you're hearing me speak some words, and those words are, you know, maybe creating pictures in your mind, or you're just, you know, in getting the meanings of the words, but are you really hearing me speak, what's happening is some, you know, I'm, on my end, I'm creating some vibrations in the air, with my vocal apparatus, right, with my vocal cords, and my mouth and my tongue. And then those go into a microphone, which translates those vibrations into, into electrical signals, and those electrical signals are being recorded digitally. So that's those are being translated into a series of ones and zeros. And, gosh, a whole bunch of other things happen, you know, they go online, you download them, and sort of a reverse process happens, those ones and zeros are changed into an electrical signal that is, creates vibrations in the air, they hit your eardrums. your eardrums translate those into electrical signals into your brain. And your brain creates words, sentences, meanings, perhaps pictures out of that. So out of this your consciousness, your consciousness is manifesting my words and voice out of thin air out of out of vibrations. That doesn't mean I didn't speak these words, it doesn't mean there's not this reality, but you are, you are creating your internal experience of me speaking these words and anything that you see touch tastes, here, your entire experience of the universe is within your consciousness. Right. we overlook that because we live this on a day to day basis, but that in itself is a miracle, right. Some electrical signals can come in, create some vibrations in the air and your consciousness can experience a symphony. You some you know, electromagnetic waves can strike your retinas in your eyes. And your consciousness can create a sunset or a butterfly or a painting or what have you. So you are creating everything. Everything that you experience you are creating inside your consciousness, you just aren't aware that you're creating it most of the time. Right because our, our what we consider our conscious mind the you know, the awareness, the little voice inside our head, our ego, right or ego which is the little AI that thinks we are separate from the world and not connected to it, separate from the universe and not connected to it. That experience of I tells us that we are separate from the world that the world we're experiencing is objective. And, you know, everything we're, we're the subject and everything we experiences is the object. And we're not, we're not creating any of this, we are experiencing objective reality. But ask two people who witnessed the same thing, the same event to describe it. And you will get two very different descriptions of that, because they have different viewpoints, if different aspects of consciousness, they have different experience, filters, through which everything,

everything comes in. So I think what I want to express fully here is that you are a co Creator of the universe, you are, there's a divine part of you, that is creating your entire experience of the universe. And that is happening. Using this field of attention or field of awareness, we might call consciousness. And you are manifesting constantly, everything you experience, you're just not necessarily doing it. You know, I can, you know, I may or depending upon how flexible I am with my attachment to my ego reality. You know, if I look at I'm holding, you know, holding a cup of coffee here, have a little sip. If I stare at that cup of coffee hard enough, and I play with my brain enough, can I manage it? Can I change that into something else? Can I? You know, what, we might call hallucinate that into something else? And probably I could, um, would I be able to hold, you know, make that stable? Would I be able to turn that into a bag of gold? For example, we'll use an you know, old alchemical thing, can I turn my coffee cup into a bag of gold? and have it stay that way? permanently? Probably not. If I you know, I probably, I'm not saying that's not possible. Because ultimately, ultimately, everything is possible. It's another idea I want to express. Ultimately, everything is possible. And I could hallucinate and I, you know, use that word sort of loosely, because we're constantly hallucinating the outside world. Right? We have no, we have no real idea of what the outside world is actually, like, we just have the ideas that are created in our, our consciousness. Okay. And I'll give you some, I have some examples. And we could break it down into physics and physiology and all kinds of stuff and study it and measure it and do all of these things. ad infinitum. Okay, so I, I studied martial arts for my whole life. And when I was younger, in my, my youth, and up through college, I studied the Japanese martial art, karate, right empty hand way, cut out the dough. And one of the things I might have to do from time to time is to break a board, you know, punch through a board or chop through a board or kick through a board or whatever. Okay. And so, on a conscious level, if I aimed my fist to say I was punching, to break a board, but aimed my fist at the surface of the board, my body and everything else aligned with that would not you know, we'd pull back or stop, or, you know, however it worked out, it would not break the board, and it would probably hurt my hand pretty badly. But if I was able to, and this is the real, this is the real reason why they break boards in martial arts, if I was able to focus through the board, as if the board was not there. My fist could pass through it relatively effortlessly. You know, yes, I would have to punch it, I would have to hit it pretty hard. You have to use proper technique. All of those things are important. But the most important thing was the change in consciousness, the change in focus and attention that's required to do that. And there's, you know, there is you know, there's all kinds of things we do to train that to hit through a target, and that sort of thing. So that's the secret. Don't go out punch boards without learning the proper techniques. Please. But yeah, proper technique is important. But even with proper technique if you don't have the correct, so proper technique, the physical aspect, and then just proper technique, the mental, emotional, spiritual aspects. So I want to recognize that we are beings of pure spirit that are expressed in physical reality, I'm not going to say that physical reality isn't real. But our experience of physical reality comes 100% through our consciousness. And I'm using that term over and over again, consciousness awareness.

And how much of that? You know, the question is, how much are we passive receivers? And how much control do we have over that? So, on one level, we have a mind, we have a body, we have a spirit with soul, we make all of these different layers of, you know, layers of ourselves, right? And, you know, our mind, we're able to experience thoughts, we're able to experience emotions, feelings, feelings happen in our body, and our mind. And all of these things, there's a lot of crossover, right? Where does our mind and in our body start, and vice versa. And as science learns more, we find, you know, things like neuro peptides and in lots of cells in the body, and they talk about the gut being the second brain of the body, and most serotonin is produced in the gut area and not in the brain. So you know, that these things, these, you know, this overlap between mind and body grows, every day with the more that the more that we learn. So one of the things about manifestation for me is that I find that it works better. When all of our parts are in alignment and working together, meaning our body, mind and spirit are doing the same thing. Just like in karate class, when you learn to punch through a board. Okay, now I could maybe, I don't know, I've never been able to do this, but develop telekinetic powers, and sit there and use just my mind to break a board. I don't know, I think anything is possible, but I've yet to be able to do that. useful skill, if I could do something like that, you know, I wouldn't have to reach for the TV remote. If it was too far away, I could just move it move it with my mind. And, you know, have there been people in history who have been able to do these miracle things, you know, just think something and produce some effect? physical effect out of thin air? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I believe that for sure. You know, we hear all of these stories of different types of miracles. And but I don't think it's just a mental thing. I don't think it's straight up mental energy, I think, um, you know, mental energy combined with spiritual and some level of physical energy working together, creates the greatest impact. I often talk about human beings, because we're complex systems of we're systems of systems. I'll use a car analogy pretty frequently. Because Because it's helpful and and, you know, even if you don't own a car and don't know, necessarily how internal combustion engines work, you can, you can, you've had some experience and can can understand what I'm talking about. So let's say I want to get from, you know, I want to get from the state of Maine where I am now, which is in the north, far northeast of the continental United States. And I want to drive to Southern California, a trip of approximately 3000 miles in my car. Okay, so my navigation system works, right? I've got you know, I've got a good GPS system, and it works and it's got everything mapped out in my car. But I don't turn the car on. I don't start the engine. And I just sit in my car and stare at the navigation system. That's probably not going to work for me, right? And so I've got to get, you know, I've got to turn turn the engine on, and actually use the navigation system to drive across the country. Well, let's say that my tires are no good, right? No tread on the tires. And you know, one of them is going to give out in 100 miles or so am I going to get to where I'm going? Well, probably not. Because, you know, again, there's, there's another system that's not working in the same way. So even even in martial arts, and in, you know, in the karate analogy, I can have my entire body going in the same direction moving towards a target to break a board.

But if I turn my eyes in a different direction, as I'm doing that, if I'm not looking through the target, it's not going to work. It's a weird thing have demonstrated this to students with, not with having them hurt themselves on a board, but with different different techniques. When I've been teaching, I'm like, Okay, do this, now just turn your eyes in a different direction. Um, and the energy just changes and the technique becomes weaker. And because there's no focus there. So my point is to truly manifest things to truly get things to work, we want to get all of our systems working together. We want to get body mind and spirit working together. And I realize that many people's ideas of miracles or manifestation, have to do with stuff just happening without, without doing without physical interaction. And that is, that is true. And that does happen. I'm just saying, in the beginning, it requires a lot of discipline, efforts, focus, that sort of thing. So give yourself a little, you give yourself a little advantage. By taking we're called divine action or inspired action. In the beginning, so many people think law of attraction is about sitting on the couch and thinking real hard and a box of money dropping into your lap. And again, that's possible, it's very possible. Is it probable, no. So what we want to do is increase the probability of what you want to manifest. So I'll give you an example of a time when I was looking for work, and I was looking for I was looking for a job and I wanted to have a, I want to have a good job. And I had certain criteria, it had to have certain types of benefits and all this, it was very, very specific. And, you know, I went out and I tried just the physical route, right? I sent out 200 resumes and contacted all these companies, and nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing happened for months. close to four months, maybe. I don't know if it was the economy, or, you know, whatever, my resume was terrible, I didn't change my resume. So, you know, and I'm getting more and more frustrated, I'm trying to force things and then I remembered my manifestation work that I'd done years before and worked on getting into a state of allowing this to happen. And within a couple of weeks, I had gotten four job offers, um, two of which I had to, you know, wound up being close enough that I had to decide between two of them. They both had amazing benefits. One of them was more money than I ever made in my life and more, but it was what I intended. So intention is key here, what I intended to manifest and so so I accepted it and took that job. So what happened was I got into a space of allowing, I used some of the techniques, but I had also taken physical action. In other words, when and they will also say that all of these companies came to me I didn't apply. I didn't apply actually apply to any of them. They all came came kind of Looking to me through, you know, online sources or whatever. And, you know, it was amazing because I, I, as things started to align, I sort of said, I would like to get four offers, I got four offers, I would like to get an, you know, an offer of at least this much, I got an offer of that much I would like to have these benefits and, and received those benefits.

But it didn't happen until I sort of let go, but I did have to, you know, obviously, when they contacted me, I had to take some physical actions, I had to respond or, or they, it wouldn't have happened, you know, I had to send my resume I had to interview has to do all of those things. I had to take all those follow up actions. But it started with my intention. And it started with letting go. And I will give you, you know, I don't know if this is a technique, you know, or not, but I will, I will give you a technique that I use sometimes when I'm trying to manifest things that works. It works wonderfully for me. So I, I sit in and I think about I think about the thing that I want to manifest, let's say it's in, you know, it's a job, let's say, um, and I will say to myself, remember when I got that job, and I will imagine that I got the job in the past that I already have, what it is that I'm trying to manifest. And how and then I asked myself, how did I feel when I got that? How did I feel when that manifested. And that that little technique I find really aligns mind and spirit in the spirit world, time is really flexible. Time is really our experience of time is really attached to matter. You know, and so, in, in a non material, non material world time is sort of loosey goosey, very flexible. So, again, I think this is you know, part of law of attraction is you have to act as if you have already or, you know, imagine or generate the feelings of in the feeling is important, the emotion is important of already having the thing that you're trying to manifest. Remember, when that's the, that's the technique that I used. Remember, when I got those four job offers, and how did that feel, and I imagined, made up a little story scenario in my head felt really good. Now imagine when one of those offers, remember when one of those offers was this much money and you accepted it. And then I, you know, I go in and imagine that and then release attachment to the outcome. That's a big step. Attachment tends to push things away a little bit. So let me give you a couple of hints and a couple of caveats when it comes to manifestation and law of attraction. So, one hint that, you know, when I've worked with students, or I've worked with people on a mentoring or coaching basis, and they're working on manifesting stuff, is that need to allow the universe to work out the details of what you're manifesting. Um, you don't need to, but if you do, it's going to happen quicker in ordinary reality, and it's going to be easier. I'll give you an example. Let's say that I wanted to manifest 100,000 US dollars. And I say, I will receive a check from the bank for 100,000 US dollars on Tuesday, in June on you know, such and such a day at you know, 345 in the afternoon. And, um, you know, the reason I'm going to get it is this and that and this and that when all I really want to do is manifest $100,000 so better intention is you know, remember when I received $100,000 out of the blue unexpectedly. And you you know, the spiritual teacher Lester Levinson used to say let go and learn God, you make your intention and you let go and let God I'll use the term the universe because I think that the word God can be sort of loaded. But I'm talking about the same thing, the all pervading consciousness, and manifester of the universe, god or goddess or the universe. Um, when we let go of the details, things manifest easier, because if you think about all of the things that have to happen,

the universe will follow kind of a path of least resistance, right. So every condition you put on something creates more resistance. And this is not, doesn't create resistance in the universe, but it creates resistance in your ego in your interface, like, becomes less and less possible for you. You know, unless you completely undo all of your conditioning, from the time you were born, until now, every condition you place on something you're trying to manifest will make it more challenging for you. Not to say that it isn't possible. Again, everything is possible, everything is possible in consciousness, you could get that check from the bank for $100,000, on Tuesday. And the reason could be the bank, you won an award at the bank or something, something something something. The problem is, if any of those things, if you don't perceive any of those things as being true, like the bank doesn't have an award, the bank doesn't hand out $100,000 checks just at random, that sort of thing. Again, you're not getting your body, mind and spirit into alignment, your belief is not going to get to be there. So that being said, you can manifest, it is possible to manifest very specific things, very, very specific things. Um, I'll give you an example of a caveat though. So here's, you know, here's, here's something from my own life. So I had a relationship with someone I knew this person, they were my friends. They were, well, I won't get, I won't get into more detail than that, because they don't want to, I don't want to give away an identity or anything like that. But I knew I had a, there was a woman who was who was a good friend of mine, and I'd become single again, and I wanted to have a relationship with this person, she was I found her attractive and intelligent. And we had very similar ideas about spirituality, and similar practices, and, and all of these things, and I'm like, I am going to manifest a, you know, a love relationship with this person. And boy, did I, you know, I'm head over heels in love. We moved in together for a short period of time. But the relationship was a disaster, the relationship was tumultuous. This person had what I think is a very severe undiagnosed mental illness. One that is sort of easy to easy to hide sometimes, but, you know, then comes out in relationships and just ended horribly, disastrously kind of messed up my life for a period of time as well. Right? Because what I didn't manifest was I didn't manifest a loving, kind, wonderful relationship, what I manifested was I want a love relationship with this specific person. And you know, so, you know, it happened and it was an important thing for me to learn to, to understand to learn about the power of these things. So, one has to be careful when manifesting about being really specific about things and you can manifest something specific but you know, it might not have intended consequences. You know, and we can always tack on for the highest good to our intention right for everyone's highest Good. I would like to manifest $100,000 in a way that is for my highest good. You know, and maybe this relationship was for my highest good, maybe I needed to learn something about trust and boundaries and that sort of thing. But that being said, you know, so the tip then is to,

really, like, if you're trying to manifest something, Uber specific, and you're trying to control the details of how it's manifested. That's, that's very egoic. And the ego is the part of you that doubts manifestation happens, that doesn't think you're creating the universe every second of every day. That's your ego that says, You're separate from the world, that you're not connected to everything. And, you know, the ego is not evil, it's just not necessarily correct. And everybody has an ego, I don't care how enlightened you are, you still have an experience of the eye as a separate being, you might have more of an experience of, of non duality, of interconnectedness, that can, that can sure happen. But I don't think the sense of AI as a separate self goes away. While you exist in a physical body, but you have a physical body. Even you know, you might not identify with the ego as much. And that's kind of a weird thing, right? identifying, you identify as the separate self, because the thing ultimately, it's, you know, I'm getting a little deep here, but ultimately, it's the consciousness that provides the identity of who you are. And so moving towards spiritual wholeness and spiritual alignment, alignment, and I don't necessarily like to use the word enlightenment, because that has very different meanings for very for different people. And in some worlds that has a very technical meaning. So I could potentially be using this word wrong, but moving towards enlightenment, part of that is, dis identifying with the ego. So you understand you have an ego. And some people don't understand that they have an ego, but first you understand you have an ego, you have a sense of I as a separate self, but then you dis identify from that, you say that sense of I is not who I am. I have a sense of I, but I am not the sense of I am the thing that perceives the sense of I am the conscious field that proceeds the sense of I, I have a physical body, but I am not the physical body. I am the field of consciousness that perceives the person, the physical body, I have a mind and I have emotions, and I have thoughts, but I am none of those things. I am a field of consciousness that perceives those things. So the more you identify with what we'll call beingness, beingness is that field of consciousness that just exists. Your sense of existence, not as a separate self, just as, as being, the more you identify with that the easier manifestation becomes, because you're not as tied to the ego as a separate self. And the ego as a separate self is the part of, you know, has been trained since birth that, you know, magic and miracles, you know, happen, maybe they maybe you were taught from birth, that they don't happen, that they're not possible. And that's the thing too, right. So all of these beliefs are tied up with the ego. Everything that you hold to be true. Even if you look at your hand in front of your face, and you say, this hand exists because I can see it that's a belief. It may be true. But your experience of that as truth is a belief. Once we start breaking these things down and dis identifying manifestation becomes more effortless. The more we identify with the ego, the more we say, I am a separate self, completely separated from the universe. And I am just a receiver of the world as it is around me instead of a creator. You know, instead of the entire world that I experience existing inside my consciousness, the more I identify with the ego, the the

more challenging, you will, the more challenges you will experience when trying to manifest or use law of attraction or perform miracles or perform real magic change in the universe according to will,

on a, on a very real level, you are, you know, as a, you know, as a separate self, you are a spark of divinity, you have this spark of divinity within you, I shouldn't say you are I should say you have the spark of divinity within you. So, you are a co Creator of the universe. The more you understand that the more you identify, we identify with being this and identify that you have this divine spark and that you are not separate from God, the universe, the creator, the field of consciousness. Brahman in Sanskrit, right in some, in some traditions, some advisory traditions, they say Atman is Brahman. So Atman is the individual soul and Brahman is the over soul of the universe. And in some traditions, they say, there is no difference. And I honestly believe that I do believe that I've had some experience with that, that we are not separate, that we are all connected, we are all one. So you know, just to just to wrap up, you know, remember to get ego out of the way a little bit, as much as you can. So as much as you can identify with consciousness. Get body, mind and spirit in alignments take divine inspired action, if you know. And again, manifestation isn't about necessarily doing nothing, it's just recognizing that doing is happening. And that doing is in alignment with, with being and having you know, that it could be a little confusing, I understand, being doing and having, you can't stop being, you can stop doing and you can stop having, but you can't stop being. So start from the place of being identify with your beingness identify with your existence, understand that the quality of your existence has consciousness or the ability to perceive to be able to pay it, you know, have attention is sort of volitional consciousness where you place your intent, attention. And where attention goes energy flows. So wherever you place your attention, that's where your energy is going to go again, there's the the, you know, the karate analogy, focus through the target and the target it's almost like the target isn't there, the board break the board as much as you can get the ego out of the way. You do that by identifying with beingness by identifying is the field of consciousness that you are and then you can play the remember when game remember when suddenly $100,000 came to me, how did I feel when that happened? and generate those feelings inside your field of consciousness that sort of aligns everything that makes you know, it's sort of like you know, clearing the tracks clearing the train tracks so the train can pass past you know, unimpeded. So that's those are my hints and and caveats and little You know, technique for law, law of attraction work. It's important stuff. And it might seem mundane. But it's important to understand why we manifest when we focus on manifesting beyond the fact that I'm going to get stuff, I'm going to get stuff I want, I'm going to have a life that's comfortable, and happy and have everything I want and be rich and whatever. Beyond that, because those are all worldly concerns. And all of those things, relationships, everything else are temporary, everything is temporary. Right? What does not temporary, anything that is not temporary is your beingness. Is that

when you manifest, you're demonstrating to yourself to all parts of yourself that yes, you are your beingness Yes, you're a conscious co creator, and an intimate part of this universe. And that is a direct experience of spiritual truth. There are lots of ways to directly experience spiritual truth, this is one of them happens to be an important one. This is a return to your divinity. This is a movement again, away from ego. Again, it's a movement away from identifying with the small eye, the small eye, which is our sense of maybe I am the body, maybe I'm really identified with my body, or maybe I'm really identified with my thoughts. Both of those things are super temporary. How long does the thought last? Right? How often does our body change and someday, we will die and her body will go back to the earth or maybe we get cremated or, or what have you, but the body components will be broken down. But that essential, immortal part of you. That is divine. That's the that's the important part to identify with. And doing manifestation work. Helps that along. It's a lesson that you probably if you are listening to this podcast and you're trying to do these things, it's a lesson that you're here to learn. You're here to learn how how you are a co creator, how you how you are part of divinity split off just so divinity can experience things and learn and grow. So with that, I hope that you'll take some of this to heart I hope that you'll practice I hope that you'll manifest great things. Contact me contact me through my website, which is main ma i n e, shaman sh a ma If you have any questions for topics you would like me to talk about in a future podcast. I would be happy to do that. I would like to get back to having some guests. take a short break from that for a period of time. But we'll have some more guests because I think it's fantastic to have some different perspectives out there. Anyway, I love you all. I wish you well and we'll talk to you next time.

Announcer 49:34

You have been listening to speaking spirit with your host, John Moore. For more info or to contact john go to that's ma i n e s h a m a