What are soul retrieval experiences like?

Soul Retrieval Experiences

Soul retrieval is one of the main types of ceremonies that shamanic practitioners perform for clients. In fact, it’s probably the most common healing method that I employ with clients.

Some people may have serious questions about experiencing soul retrieval. This is very common if you’ve never experienced this type of healing ceremony before.

What’s it like? Is it frightening or painful? Will it change me? These are valid concerns. The short answer is that I have never performed a soul retrieval in which a client did not have an incredibly positive experience. Let’s look deeper.

What is soul retrieval for?

First, it’s important to understand why a shamanic practitioner’s helping spirits might indicate a soul retrieval ceremony is in order. The reason for soul retrieval is called soul loss, and the main cause of soul loss is trauma - though there are some others like soul-stealing, addictive prolonged drug use, long-term stress.

The symptoms of soul loss are many, but they coincide with symptoms diagnosed by the medical model as PTSD.. One of the biggest indicators is dissociation. Depression, anxiety, hard to diagnose long-term illnesses, can all result from, or made worse by soul loss.

Regardless of symptoms, a shamanic healer will always perform a diagnostic journey to get information from helping spirits about which ceremonies to perform.

What is a soul retrieval ceremony like?

Actual practices will vary from practitioner to practitioner, depending on how they were trained. I will give you what a typical soul-retrieval looks like when I do it.

If you were to see me in person you would get comfortable, sitting or lying down. I would perform a journey, outwardly I close my eyes and play a drum. I then bring back the soul essences and typically blow them into your heart center.

If you were to meet me for remote healing via Zoom, the process is similar, but the essences are delivered long distance.

Both in-person and long-distance ceremonies are equally effective. In the spirit world, time and distance don’t mean the same thing they do in ordinary reality.

What is it like to receive a soul retrieval?

Every person will experience every ceremony a little differently, I will share some of my clients’ experiences so you may have an understanding what it’s like. I do observe strict confidentiality so all of these experiences, while genuine, are anonymized.

  • One client experienced an overwhelming feeling of being filled with loving joy to the point where it was “almost too much”. She had an extremely healing ceremony that resolved some physical and emotional symptoms.

  • Another client who had reported dissociation and “feeling dead inside” reported that he felt joy for the first time after a soul-retrieval ceremony.

  • The number of clients experienced increased confidence and personal power - being able to step into their true selves.

  • Other clients had breakthroughs in their own spiritual practice following would retrieval ceremonies.

These are just a few results I have seen with my own clients. My own personal healing journey involved both learning soul retrieval and receiving the ceremony on numerous occasions. I can say with confidence that it has saved my life and helped me to live a more fulfilling life serving others.

I have never known or heard of anyone having a negative experience with soul retrieval.

If you have any questions, I would encourage you to reach out and contact me.