astral projection

Ep39 Astral Projection, The Astral Body, And Shamanic Journeying

Announcer 0:28

Hello, and welcome to speaking spirit where we talk about all things spiritual. Your host, John Moore is a shamanic practitioner and spiritual teacher. And now here's John.

John Moore 0:43

Hello, everybody. Good morning or whatever time of day it is, where you are when you are listening to this. It is morning here. It is a brisk morning. It's November in Maine where I live. And it was about 24 degrees Fahrenheit this morning, when I drove my daughters to school, that for you in the world of Celsius is below zero. It's freezing ice on my windshield this morning when I went out to my car. It's cold, but it's nice. It's nice to feel the brisk air. I'm one of these people that excuse me, that enjoys the changes and seasons a whole lot. It's one of the nice things about living in the Northeast. Today, my friends, I'm going to talk to you about things, mysterious things, I'm going to talk to you about astral projection, the astral body, the astral plane, and I am going to relate it all to shamanism. Because that's what I know. I'm sure there are lots of other people who have different perspectives. And that's cool. But I do try to not speak from a perspective that I don't have that would not be helpful for anyone and it would make me look silly. And that's not something I want to do. So I'm going to talk about the astral today, particularly the astral body and astral travel, astral projection, the astral plane. But I think you know, what I need to do. First is to set a baseline and to SET set up, you know, this is something I would like to do, I like to define my terms and talk about, you know, set a baseline for what I'm explaining. And this is not because my explanations are better than anybody else's. It's or that I expect you to, you know, adopt my definitions without question. This is only so that you can better understand what I mean, when I'm talking about what I'm what I happen to be talking about. So I'm going to set a baseline, I'm going to talk about some definitions. And certainly, I'm going to be talking about spiritual things which are non physical and are experienced in different ways depending upon who you are, and what culture you come from, and all kinds of things. So there will be definitions of the same word that don't match mine, there will be different words used for the same things that I'm describing. And that's totally fine. These are not contradictions. These are just differences in the way that words are used. So for example, in the United States where I live, I call something an elevator. And in the UK, they call it a lift. who's right and who's wrong? Well, nobody's nobody's wrong, right? We just use different words for the same thing. And you know, there are other words were over there. A biscuit means something means what we would call a cookie over here. I watch a lot of the great British baking show. It's one of my favorite shows. And after remember, when they're talking about biscuits, they're not talking about what we call biscuits. Is that right? It's not right or wrong. It just how they're using words. So that's my only intention in when I say this is what this means. It is always what it means to me. And whether or not you adopt that. I don't it doesn't matter to me if you adopt my definitions of things. I just want I want to create understanding between us So I'm going to, I'm going to start by talking about a little bit about models. And I promise I'm going to get to where, where I'm going, I promise, I'm going to get to the astral stuff first. But I need to talk about models a little bit. And what I mean by model is a representation of something, something that is symbolic, but in a representational way. So if I look at the word, food, written out of these paper, that's a symbol for food. But it's not representational. It doesn't look like food. Right? I can't pick it pick it up. I can't. But when my daughters were little, they played with little plastic.

They played with plastic representations of food a lot. We had plastic fruit and plastic, vison plastic that and they would play grocery store and kitchen and I don't know throw plastic fernet each other whatever they would do with it. Those are models of fruit, they are not fruit. They're models because they're representational. Okay, so a model includes something that might like a map. A map is representation of, you know, an area, these maps all the time, you know, when I'm trying to get places maps in my phone, my GPS helps me navigate places where I would get lost normally. And the map and there is a model, because the model is not the road, but the road is represented there. And I can, you know, it is somewhat useful to me to be able to look at a representation of the road and see where I'm supposed to be going. So models always have to limitations, right, every model, no matter what it is, if it's a model of you know, a plastic model of food, or a map, or a model, you know, plastic model that you build or an architect's model that they build of a building they're about to construct, or a mental model, which is a representation of something. All models have two major limitations. And we'll call those limited limitations, deletions and distortions, right. So deletions are the old maps delete a certain amount of information. There are no maps that I'm aware of out there that are, first of all, one for one representations, right? There's an old joke from the comedian, Stephen Wright, who said, I have a full scale map of full scale map of the United States, it says one mile equals one mile, it's very difficult to fold, right? It's kind of funny, if you think about that, that wouldn't be a very useful map, right. And so all maps, delete certain amounts of information. So if I'm looking at a topographical map, for example, it's going to show me elevation, and lakes and all of that stuff. But it probably not going to show me like population density, because that's not useful when I'm using that kind of map when I'm trying to like, navigate a mountain range or something like that. And a street map is a different kind of map. And that helps me navigate the streets. But it might not show me elevation, or it might not show me where people's houses are. So it necessarily deletes information, no map is complete. And when we understand that, we can start to question our own mental models of things when we think we know everything. About anything, trust me, we do not. Because everything that we hold in our minds are models or models of what the reality of something is. And you can know a whole lot about something right? You could be an expert in. I went to school with somebody who was studying fish neurology. Right. I have to say that is you know, he's probably the only person I know there are probably lots of fish neurologist out there but um, does a very specific thing and you can gain a lot of expertise when you learn something, but does he know absolutely everything there is to know about fish neurology, probably not, or a specific nervous system of specific breed of fish. He would know more than certainly more than I do. So this person has a mental model of fish neurology, that is probably much more detailed, has much less than deletion than I have. So that is the first limitation is deletion, and the other one is distortion, and that no map is a perfect representation. Some maps get rich, or models, I'm sorry, some models get really close, you know, the plastic fruit model is not very accurate, you know, the shapes, the sizes might be different. If I cut it open, it's not going to look the same on the inside. If I look at it under a microscope, you know, it's not going to have cells the way fruit might.

Same thing with a map, maps gonna distort slightly. And, you know, we know that there are inaccuracies in all maps, there's a level of inaccuracy there, there, you know, some distortions there. Also, the Earth is round, hate to tell you, if you think the earth is flat, I have actually flown around the earth. And it is a ball. Like every other planet, in our solar system, and probably most likely in the universe, it is a ball. And it, it's round. So when I have a map that I can lay out flat on the table, it has to distort, because, you know, it might try to represent the curvature of the earth. But again, it's a flat, it's a flat map. You know, if you've ever seen them, you know, maps of the world where they try to lay out all the countries on a flat surface are incredibly distorted. They have to be, you know, because the world isn't flat, it's a globe. And when you try to lay everything out, you know, and it doesn't curve, right. So things on the same things on the same latitude don't curve around the poles. That is very distorted. So all maps, delete, and distort. Why am I talking about? I'm using the term map and model kind of interchangeably here. Sorry. Why am I talking about models? Why am I talking about maps? Well, because I'm going to and I spent a lot of time on this. And I realize this, but it's really important. It's really important even beyond what I'm going to talk about today, to start to look at the models of things we hold in our, in our brains in our consciousness and our unconsciousness. We look at the models of things we and we start to realize that we do we everything we look at everything we think we know is missing information, and is distorted. Right? So we do not accurately 100% accurately know anything that's just impossible. And becoming comfortable with that is a cool thing. It allows us to play with our perception of reality a little bit. Robert Anton Wilson, whether you like his writing or not wrote about we live in these reality tunnels. We live in these paradigms, these reality tunnels where if something really bizarre happens outside of our the the tunnel vision we have about the reality we live in, we tend to negate it because it's hard for us to grasp. And we have this thing called cognitive dissonance, which is it's hard to it's hard to hold competing feelings or competing ideas in your head at the same time. So if I were so I believe that the world is round, I have experienced the world is round. I've been up in a plane and gone, you know, flown completely around the Earth. I went to Asia, flying in one direction, and they came back flying in another direction. So I have been around, I've been around the earth and seen it seen it as round. So it would be hard for me to simultaneously hold to the idea that the earth is flat. That would cause a level of discomfort and that's called cognitive dissonance. So what I asked then, for you and for myself, is, you know, you when you develop some flexibility in your belief system and your models of the world, you become more adaptable, you become more resilient. So when you can step in and say, okay, you know what, what if I'm not saying you need to change your beliefs about anything, but you'll be like, what if I didn't believe this or what if I believe something different? How would that affect me you can do these mental experiments, and they can prove very fruitful. You can find out, you can learn things about yourself, you can learn things about the world, you can start to empathize with other people as well. Because you can take on their perspective better. So now that I've gone through all of that,

I spent a quarter of the show talking about models, but I think it's important, I could do an entire show about this. But I'm going to apply this to some shamanic and spiritual stuff, I promise. So I'm going to talk about the astral and I'm going to talk about first models of I'm just going to deal with human beings at this point, you think of a human being. So my model in my brain of a human being is an individual, a person, okay, human being has has a body, they have a mind they have a spirit. This is my model, some people have different models have different constructs. And of course, there's deletion distortion going on with my model of what a human being is, I understand that and if you understand that, it makes it makes taking on new ideas much easier. So, in my model of human beings, they are my concept of what humans are there complex systems, a human being is a complex system of inter penetrating and interlocking systems. Interlocking may not be a great word, but I have to come up with a better one, interactive systems, many, many, many, many interactive systems. So I will give you an example, we will take the physical body, if we take that as a single system, the physical part of human being, we have all of these systems, we have the nervous system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, all of these systems. And so just the body is a very, is a set of very complex systems. And there are you know, like I said, there's somebody who studies fish neurology, so you can have, you have experts who studied just kind of one system at a time. However, let's talk about how these systems interpenetrate interact and interlock. So if I just think about my respiratory system, we'll get even simpler, I'll talk about my lungs, just specifically my lungs. Okay, that's part of my respiratory system. Well, my lungs move in part, because of the diaphragm muscle in my stomach. So, you know, is that is my diaphragm part of my respiratory or muscular system? Or are these two systems interacting and interpenetrating? Somehow? Do they sometimes occupy the same space? Do they, you know, do they work together? We're talking about the ribs that go around my lungs, and those are, you know, there are muscles, their muscles there, and the ribs have a certain amount of cartilage and, and flexibility and my ability to breathe is affected by my ribs, ability to flex and move and the musculature in there. So there's, you know, now we have at least three systems working together. Okay, and then inside my lungs, and you know, you'll pardon me if I'm not a doctor. I'm not an expert. But so I'm going to, you know, if I'm, if I'm Miss speaking a little bit about where things where things lie, please forgive me, it's just to make a point. So inside my lungs, there are nerves, nerve cells, whatever that pick up things like the amount of carbon dioxide I have in my system and relay that to my brain. So there's an overlap with the nervous system. And of course, the nervous system overlaps with the, the you know, the the musculature that creates my breathing and, you know, so everything interacts interpenetrates

these systems don't live in isolation. Okay, so the physical body is one system. In many esoteric or occult practices, schools of thought there are humans have many bodies Okay, the physical is one the physical is dense matter, it's matter, it's very dense it has mass, it has weight, it has a definite shape, you know, that we can deform that shape, we can change it, but it is rather solid, we experience it is rather solid. And then, you know, the the other, the other bodies that essentially overlap and interpenetrate and interact with the physical body and with each other, get less and less dense. So, you know, at kind of the next level of density, we have the etheric or energy body, right. And if you've had acupuncture, or practice Tai Chi, or gotten Reiki, this is energy body work, things that may closely align with the very close to the physical body closely align, there are, you know, again, the energy body has many systems, you know, in acupuncture, if you look at, you know, acupuncture charts, they're all these meridians and vessels and, you know, all of this stuff. And, you know, outside of that outside of the body, you have what's called the etheric double, which is what a lot of people see when they see auras. You know, it's a thick energy that extends outside the body, slightly, you know, slightly outside the body an inch or a couple inches away. And then beyond that is what people call the aura. Right, if you see auras, and that can go many, many feet, dozens of feet, or sometimes it's very close, and that is much less formless, it's less dense than the meridians and the the, the, you know, the vessels and and it's much less dense than the etheric double. So, again, the etheric body, if you you know, embodies a weird term for it, because we think of body being very physical, but the etheric body is the closest spiritual body that we have to, to the physical, in this model, and we talk about density oriented about frequency is the closest frequency to the material world. And the etheric body is very affected by the physical body. So, for example, this is how tai chi or Qigong work, right, we move, we move energy around in our bodies by moving our bodies, because these things interact, much like flexing my diaphragm, moves air into my lungs. Okay, these things are interactive and independent, inter penetrative. So, you know, if we're going, and again, you know, I'm making these artificial distinctions. This is a model that is, you know, it's it's deleting information, and it's distorting. So where does one body end and the other one begin? It's really, really hard. It's really up for debate. And it doesn't really matter all that much to me anyway.

And what matters and model I'm going to go back to models just for a moment, what matters to in any model is really how useful it is how, how suited it is to purpose. So a street map is very helpful to me if I am navigating in a car, where a topical topographical map might not be as helpful, because I don't need to know the elevations of mountains with no roads on them, not going to be driving through them. But I could still use it as kind of suited. But if I'm trying to determine the elevation of a mountain, or the depth of a lake or something like that, then the map and my phone, the GPS, and my phone is probably not going to be suited for that. But they're both models of the same thing. So again, the model is what measures how can a model is, you know, good is a relative term, but it's really how suited something is to its purpose. So just for explanation, I'm using this model, I realize it's not perfect, and in some esoteric systems, they're going to use these different bodies in different ways. And so they will have a different map of the bodies and that's totally fine. I understand that these things will differ. I'm okay with that. I understand how models work. I have a model of models that's very useful. So when we move beyond the ether, Eric, the energy body kind of the next level down in this model is the astral the astral Body and the astral body is less dense than the etheric. It is a different frequency. I don't know if you'd call it higher or lower, but I perceive it as higher in frequency. The physical body to me is perceived as we're talking about vibrational frequency as lower in frequency because it's closer, you know, it's physical, it's slower, right? Then slower than thought, for example. So let's talk about the astral people might know astral projection, right? out of body experiences. So the astral is the realm of imagination. And that's really where, you know our imagination interacts with our spirit. So there's an overlap of what we call the mental body, the emotional body, all of these, all of these things. The as we get, as we get less dense as we move away from the physical, things become more formless. So the astral body is more formless than the etheric body, the etheric body is very closely follows the pattern of the physical body. When I move my arm, the arm of my etheric double whammy, my physical arm, I'm also moving, the meridians that go through my arm that are part of the etheric and I'm also moving my etheric double in a way and probably affecting my aura a bit. So the astral is much less dense and is much more formless. However, when we astral travel or dream, when you dream, you're dealing with the actual because again, it is the, the realm of imagination. Things can seem to have quite a lot of form. And this is just our consciousness making meaning out of these things. And in so when, when I perform a shamanic journey, which is which is a type of astral travel, I leave my body using an altered state of consciousness and they travel in these non ordinary realms.

I am not actually traveling traveling anywhere physical, right? If I go to the lower world, I am my travel into the earth is metaphoric. Right. I'm not going into a pool of lava somewhere into the core of the Earth. I'm traveling to another realm, I'm using that I'm using my imagination too, and metaphor to tune into these realms. But they all you know, because they are so Formalists time and space doesn't really apply to them in the same way that applies the physical world we know that time and space are intimately linked with mass and the astral body has does not have what we would consider mass. So well Time flows in the astral it is much looser, and this is why we can do things in the astral like look at probable futures. And I will say that the future the physical future is not set in stone. So anybody who predicts the future is predicting probabilities. Anybody who affects things in the future through magical or esoteric means is affecting probabilities tipping things in one direction or another. And honestly, that is totally fine. Like that's you know, that's okay to understand that. So time does flow but it flows in a really different way and where we kind of explore probabilities we can also go backward in time and explore past lives or you know, things that things that happened 10 minutes ago or what have you in some level of detail because those things are recorded they recorded in the astral so so the astral so astral projection people kind of know about and I'll tell you that when I was a boy, um, I had a number of out of body experiences. And at first they frightened me. And then I became really interested in them and then I found a book in my library About out of body experiences. And I tried for a really long time to replicate them with some, you know, with some success. And some, you know, some failure, didn't really know what I was doing. But thought it was fascinating had some lucid dreams as well. Lucid dreaming is very close. And then I started studying shamanism and shamanism has a tried and true method for getting out of your body and doing work and doing things on the spiritual realm. And that's cool, because now I can do this. Now I can do this at will and it's much more useful. It was a kid I was just curious. My journeys these days, are less curious and more purposeful. I do journeys for clients, I do journeys to divine formation to provide healing, that sort of thing. So, in a class recently that I was teaching, a student asked, what is the difference between astral travel and shamanic journey? And my answer to that and other practitioners might disagree, but the you know, the other practitioners I've talked to seem to think that this fits is that astral travel is mostly when people do that when people project astrally is mostly what we would call a Middle World journey in shamanism it is one type of shamanic journey. And the difference is that it is when we journey in shamanism we always go with a helping spirit, particularly in the Middle World. The Middle World is the spiritual overlay of the physical world, is the astral version of the world that we live in. So we live in the middle world because we live in this we live in this environment and there isn't a spiritual component behind everything.

Which is at the essence of everything. And that's the astral and when we travel when we do Middle World journeying, we can see physical objects but what we're seeing is the astral and etheric representations of those. So we can see spirits we can see ghosts ghosts are also astral beings. Most of the time, at least in my experience, they do not have an etheric component. So one of these days I will deeply explore on this show what happens when we die and what about ghosts and what about reincarnation and all those things. I'll do that in depth. But when we have ghosts when they're stuck here, at least in my experience, they are they are astral. So their mental their mental components the etheric form kind of gets stripped away. Now, um, the astral and etheric bodies can be strongly affected by our life experiences. That's why acupuncture works acupuncture and Reiki work on the etheric. They work in the energy body. And we can have we can have wounds to our energy body. The evil eye is something that exists in many the idea of the evil eye is something that exists in many, many cultures. And I can tell you, that is a real thing that some people just have some people seem to be genetically able to do this. And it is extremely damaging to the etheric body. It's you can imagine it as sort of like laser beams shooting out of somebody's eye when they feel really angry or jealous or what have you. And it can burn into the etheric body which can cause sickness and bad luck and all kinds of all kinds of things. I'll do a whole episode on luck too. Because luck isn't just a concept it's an energy in my model of in my model of things so you know, the astral when we add when when people astral project when they practice astral projection and lucid dreaming and stuff they're doing, they're traveling and they're, but they're not going with helping spirits which is what shamans do. So when I travel in the Middle World, I will always ask helping spirits to accompany me. The reason for that is, one is they act as tour guides they show me if I'm looking for something or I'm trying to find a person that I'm working with or I'm trying to find lost soul essences, and soul essences or astral talk about that in a moment. So When, you know, when we travel, you know, the other thing that can happen is, you know, there can be suffering spirits out there. So ghosts and you know non human spirits and all kinds of things. And not always spirits that mean us harm, but spirits that could do us some damage if they just decided to hang out, or follow us home or wreak some havoc in our lives. And so helping spirits protect us that way as well. And so, you know, it's a little bit of a caution about astral projection. If it's something you practice all the time, you might want to take up, you know, learn from a shamanic teacher, such as myself or somebody else, shamanic journeying, the it'll only make your astral projection better, and it will definitely make it safer. So when I travel in my astral body, the astral body because it is really affected, the astral is really affected by imagination. And imagination doesn't just mean I'm making things up, it means I'm giving form to something I'm giving an image imagine I'm giving an image to something. So it will appear and I'll have I'll hear sounds and I'll I'll have sensations that I'll feel and I'll smell things. But these are not coming in through physical organs, they're coming in as spiritual information interpreted in my consciousness as more or less physical things, although, you know, it's very loose, there's shape shifting that can happen, you know, when we talk about shape shifting, I have never witnessed somebody physically shape shifting. So I don't know if that is a realistic thing or not. If it is, it's very rare. But I have experienced shape shifting on the astral both myself and others.

Other people who are you know, in human, still in human body, but who are you know, meeting me during a journey. And spirit shape shifts all the time I helping spirits show up in different ways. So, one of the things one of the ways this gets really interesting is when you look at spirits from mythology, Gods and Goddesses and angels and Mythological Beings, right. And, you know, these things do exist. They exist, at least because people have given them form imaginative form. But, you know, honestly, when you look at how there's overlap between all of the myths of the worlds, you realize that there there's something to it, there's an essence there. There's something underneath that that's happening. But what you do have very frequently is you will have Gods and Goddesses are certain beings that will take on different forms depending upon how they're represented. So, in so for example, in you know, Hinduism and some forms of like tantric Buddhism and stuff, you will have deities who will have, you know, will have like, a, I don't know what you call it, like a happy form and a wrathful form, and the wrathful form might be very brutal looking, for example, in you know, it certainly happens in Greek mythology, you hear a lot of shapeshifting, Zeus was always turning himself into stuff. Right. So these, because these beings that we might consider gods and goddesses can show up in different forms. It doesn't mean they're different beings, and even different names for the same being. Because honestly, you know, spiritual beings that are that advanced and that advanced is kind of a weird word, but there really are like, like foreign to the point of being space aliens for us to try to understand for us to try to understand them. We anthropomorphize them, meaning we turn them we give them human form. So we you know, depending upon your beliefs, many religions and spiritual belief systems have a very person like image of God if you are monotheistic or if you are polytheistic you probably have gods and goddesses that are more or less human formed. There are some differences we have what are called therian throats, which are beings that are half beast and half human or some part human. So we have things like fawns and Sati ears which are, you know, either part goat and part human or part horse and part human. And we have harpies, or which are, you know, birds with human heads, and we have sirens, the sirens who can appear as mermaids, or, you know, so half fish, half human or half bird and half human. So those are things you know. And so that's a very common shamanic theme, as well. And we see that in cave paintings from 10s of 1000s of years ago, we see human beings with deer antlers, or we see people turning into Buffalo. And that is such a common theme. And it's one of one of many, many reasons why we think shamanism goes back to the beginnings of human symbolic thought. Right, where people started adopting spirituality and doing arts, you know, making representations of things in deep caves, which were pretty sure those were the reason for that was spiritual, like, you know, if you were living from hunt to hunt,

in a very harsh environment, you probably wouldn't crawl on your belly, through a quarter mile long cave to spend, you know, years, decades, even, you know, sometimes there are cave paintings that are, you know, 1000s of years apart in the same cave, to just to paint some art in a place where you weren't living. Because we know that they're, you know, they're these caves that are full of paintings that have no evidence of people living or eating in them. You know, so, pretty sure that these were added because of the images that these were spiritual things. So were people at one time able to turn into animals in the physical realm? I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I don't understand how it could be possible. But there are lots of things today that we didn't think were possible some time ago, faster than light communication and quantum entanglement, and, you know, space travel and flight. So I think of my grandmother, my grandmother just turned 105 She was born in 1916. In bath, Maine, still around still kicking. And when I think about what it was, like, when she was born in 1916. And if I had been around then and told her, you know, say she was 519 21. And I had told her, you know, in your lifetime, we will spend, we will send spacecraft, you know, to the end of the solar system. And we will send people into space, and people will walk on the moon and how crazy might I have sounded? Yeah, there was sci fi back then. You know, there was HG Wells and Jules Verne and all of that stuff back then. But um, you know, that was pretty fanciful. And if I had, you know, if I had told her that we would have machines where we could see inside the human body using magnets. That would have sounded crazy, very unrealistic. So who knows? Who knows what's possible? Nobody knows what's possible. We know it's probable. And that that's exciting to me. So let's talk about the astral plane. So this is a thing and people think when they're traveling, you know, their astral projecting, they're projecting to the astral plane, as if there is one. That's sort of like me saying, I'm traveling to Europe. Sure, where, you know where in Europe? There are many men, you know, am I traveling to Eastern Europe? Am I traveling to Western Europe? Am I traveling to the parts of Europe where they speak French? Am I going to the Alps? Am I going to Northern Scandinavia, you know that not really specific Europe is a general location, as is the astral plane because there are. So shamans when we journey generally, we recognize three worlds, the upper world, the Middle World, and the lower world. And you can see why the world tree or the access Monday are important symbols in shamanism, because the roots of the tree connect beneath the earth and the branches go up to the sky and the trunk of the tree is where we are. So is a very representative is very representational representative, I guess that's a better word representative of man, and how we can travel up, we can travel down and we live, we kind of live here. But those three worlds, again, are like saying I'm going to Europe, there are many, many worlds, I don't know how many probably infinite. There are people who are mapping out these worlds, which I find fascinating. I have little, little areas that I go to pretty regularly. When I when I journey.

And up and down are metaphors, there's symbols, again, it's just about tuning the consciousness to different layers of reality. So one model one way one representation that I like to look at, look at this, as a metaphor, if you think about if you had, you know, there used to be maybe still have these anatomy books, right, and they had sheets of clear acetate or plastic. And you know, it would start with, you know, it would start with a page that had the skeletal system. And you know, then you would have a piece of plastic that would lay over that, that would show the muscles and that would lay over the the, you know, the skeletal system, and then you would have another clear piece of plastic that would lay over that which might be the organs. Right? Or, you know, the different systems and then another one that might be the blood vessels, and then you know, another one that would lay over that that would have the skin, you know, that sort of thing. There were representations like that. And if you take all of those kind of sandwiched together, you know, that's a little bit what the world is, like, from my perspective, what the worlds are like from my perspective. They're they all kind of exist together. They interact and interpenetrate just like the human body does. And because they don't occupy physical space always, of the etheric. The etheric does sort of Occupy physical space, but the astral does not travel is really metaphoric. But it's the only way because we are so tied into the physical. Living in the physical and traveling around in the physical and time and space have meaning for us. It's, it tends to be how we interpret things on the astral plane. So I want to talk briefly about what can happen to the astral body and this is where shamanic healing comes into place. So another term for the astral body. And again, people might use these terms differently, but this is how I use them. Another term for the astral body is the soul body and the soul body. I'm using these terms interchangeably. I don't, I don't recognize really a difference from them or between them. And so the soul body or the astral body is definitely affected by our life experiences. It can be wounded, it can be drained of energy it can all kinds of things can happen to it. And this is where much of shamanic healing comes in. Now, you might have heard of something called Soul Retrieval. That is a shamanic healing ceremony that I'm in know is meant to help with trauma and what happens with trauma is part of our soul body can break off and get lost. It makes splits to seek safety. And if that doesn't return on its own, that can get lost. And what happens is that bubbles again, these layers affect each other. And that can manifest as sickness, it can manifest as depression, dissociation, all kinds of things. And so, you know, a shamanic practitioner will do a soul retrieval ceremony that will be meant to restore some of the soul essences which will bring healing ability back to a person. Now, a lot of people go to shamanic healing, and they expect miraculous healing. I've got, you know, diabetes, or lung cancer, or kidney disease or something. And if you do a soul retrieval for me, I'm going to be miraculously healed on the physical plane, it unfortunately, most of the time, it doesn't quite work that way. What happens is that, and I don't think it works that way, with any with most, or really any type of spiritual healing, I could be wrong. Again, anything's possible. But what happens is, we create the spiritual conditions under which you can heal better.

So sometimes, Soul Retrieval will provide relief from things like depression, or dissociation, that you know, some of those symptoms because the underlying spiritual conditions are, are fixed, but sometimes there is also physical healing that needs to take place. So I'm talking about depression for a second. So some people might get relief from soul retrieval. And some people might have problem like physical problems that have to be healed. To solve the depression issue. So depression, some people associate that with low levels of serotonin. So maybe your body's not producing enough serotonin. There are very frequently My understanding is with depressed people, there are inflammatory markers in their blood, so you might have to treat inflammation in your body. But again, it will be helpful to have the spiritual healing. And I always tell clients that, you know, spiritual healing works really well hand in hand with other forms of healing, which might include you know, allopathic medicine. Naturopathic Medicine, it might include acupuncture might include dietary changes, exercise, physical therapy, what have you, you should not pass those things up in favor of spiritual healing, we so often with a picture of the person in our head of a, you know, a man laying his hands on somebody, and that person can walk all of a sudden. And that happens. It happens from time to time. The faith healers you see on TV are mostly fake, and, unfortunately, take advantage of a lot of people. And those people when they follow up with them, afterwards, somebody throws their crutches down and walks around. Um, when they do follow up to those people, they generally don't have long term effects from the work from the whatever, whatever is supposed to have happened, even though there's a placebo effect. And placebo is really the mental body affecting the physical. And even with that, you know, these faith healers, I would say most most, if not all of them, particularly if they're on TV asking for your money or not really doing anything. I'm sorry if you if that is her, you know if that thought is discouraging to somebody or something along those lines, but there has been so much fraud I've seen there's a guy I've seen on TV recently who got had a huge following years ago. And he got caught. He had a an earpiece in his ear, and they were feeding him information about people in the audience that they had researched. And some crew some investigative crew went in there and using radio equipment picked up the signal from the control room, that side Oh, over on your left side is Mrs. Smith. And she has a son who's suffering from, you know, diabetes and she has Back Pain and whatever. And then you would see this guy on TV going, Oh, over here, I feel there's Mrs. Smith and, oh, your son's got diabetes. And then people would take that as a sign that he was getting information from God or what have you. And he would put his hands on them, you hope you're healed, and then walk away, and he would never be no follow up or anything. And he was, he was stealing a lot of money from people. And when he was found out, and it was revealed, he was a fraud, he lost almost everything. Well, guess what? He's back, you know, it's 10, or 20 years later, he's back on TV doing the exact same thing. I really just like that, I have to be honest, I really dislike that I just like a lack of ethics, particularly in the world of spirituality. And, you know, I do believe in karma. So I do believe that he's probably going to suffer for the rest of his life, he's probably suffering now that he feels like he has to do this rather than making an honest living, or actually helping people. Yeah, you know, but

he's a con man. And he's still at it, unfortunately. And there's a lot of people who want to have miraculous healing and faith and all of these things. And I appreciate that. And I have a great deal of faith in spiritual healing and the power of the mind to heal and the power of the Spirit to heal. But I don't think that's what this guy is doing. I don't think he has mended his ways. I think he's, you know, when I watch him, I can see some of the tricks that he's doing to people where he, you know, grasps people by the head and puts his thumbs over their eyes and pushes them down on the floor. And here's, you know, here's a woman who's been on crutches. And people think it's the power of, you know, the power of divinity, knocking that woman over to heal her. And I was like, I could do that to anybody right now. I could, if I would, you know, if they let me grab their head and put my thumbs over their eyes, I could knock anybody, anybody down. Don't care how big or strong you are. But especially if you're an older woman, you know, and, or an older person doesn't have to be a woman, an older person on crutches. It's obscene. Anyway, off I go on a tangent. Um, so really, this is you know, this is meant to give you an understanding of the astral there, there's been there's a book and a mini series, I think, on Netflix called behind her eyes. And that prompted somebody to ask me recently on the radio about astral projection, and is it a thing? Is it real? Can people take over other people's bodies can you know? So you know, and that's a very, it's a TV eyes version of that. And, you know, it is not very realistic. But you know, there's like everything, there's some some truth to it as well. And so there's been some interest in it. And so every so often, there's a resurgence and interest in astral travel, and remote viewing and all these all of these things. You know, and I may be biased towards shamanism. But if this is something you're interested in, take a course in, you know, take an introduction to shamanism class. I'm not saying you've got to take the shamanic past path for the rest of your life. That's definitely not for everyone. But, you know, if you're interested in soul travel, you know, it would behoove you to take an intro to shamanism class and learn us, you know, a safe and effective and controlled method of doing that. There may be some others out there I'm not aware of. I haven't seen any. But sham shamans have been doing this for, you know, millennia and millennia. So we're well practiced shamanic practitioners, we know what we're doing. And a good teacher will be able to walk you through these things very safely, very quickly and very effectively. I struggled for years trying to control astral projection. And then when I learned shamanic journey, I was like, oh, geez, that that's, I can do this anytime I want. Wow, that's something but you know, there's some there's some aspects that you have to learn. So I am at just about an hour I'm going to wrap up this episode. I hope this has been interesting. I hope you have found some things useful here. And you know, don't forget to subscribe to the show if you are not. Also just a couple of announcements. On my side. I do have a YouTube channel that I've launched recently. It's called shaman tent. You can find it by searching on YouTube. And there's Gosh over 50 videos on there. They're all instructional, and informational. And I have launched an app as well, which is called shaman world, the shaman World app. It's on iOS and Android. It's absolutely free. There's currently not even any advertising or anything on it. It has links, you know, you can listen to this podcast on it, you can watch videos, you can read articles. There are drum tracks if you decide to if you practice shamanism on there. So there's all kinds of stuff there. And so all of this stuff is all this stuff is absolutely 100% free. And as is this podcast, it's just my way of talking about and sharing something I love and I'm absolutely passionate about. And with that I will wrap it up I hope you are happy and healthy and I will talk to you real soon.

Announcer 1:01:20

You have been listening to speaking spirit with your host, John more. For more info or to contact John go to That's

Ep13 Lucid Dreams, Astral Projection, and Shamanic Journeying

Announcer 0:30

Hello, and welcome to speaking spirit where we talk about all things spiritual. Your host, john Moore is a shamanic practitioner and spiritual teacher. And now his john.

John Moore 0:53

Everybody. Normally, I record these early in the morning, I don't know there's something about sunrise that keeps my creative juices flowing and and I like that time in the morning it's quiet the the sort of mental noise of the world quiets down today, it's a little bit different. I'm recording this early in the evening. I don't know if that makes a difference to you or not. But I thought I would point that out. And it's kind of interesting. As I do this, it's the sun is setting I normally do this as the sun is rising. And sunrise and sunset are these beautiful, interesting transition times. In other powerful times of day, powerful times to meditate or to get things done or to soak in the beauty of nature, which is what I love to do. I am blessed to live in a place where I have spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Almost any time the weather is fine. And it was chilly but fine today where I am in the state of Maine in the United States, which is in the the northern Northeastern most corner of the of the continental United States. If you're not familiar with Maine, we're known for lobster and, and skiing and all kinds of stuff. Stephen King grew up here if you like horror movies and horror books, excuse me. Now normally some podcasters would edit out their little cough I'm not going to do that I don't edit these at all. Or thumping the mic as I just did. I do not edit these. So you get the raw, unfiltered me. And maybe I'm just too lazy to edit these. But no, I prefer to just have these come out naturally. So it's I realize it's one sided, but it's more like a conversation when when I'm talking to you. Today I chose the topic of dreams. I'm going to talk about dreams. I'm going to talk about lucid dreaming. I'm going to talk about astral travel or astral projection. And I'm gonna talk about shamanic journeying. And these things are all sort of Allied under a heading I will sort of, you know, sort of call it soul travel. Right. And we'll talk about why that is I'll talk about the differences between these things. Um, interestingly, I was watching or I'm still watching a series on Netflix called behind her eyes, which is based on a novel. I will not give spoilers but you know, there is some amount of soul travel lucid dreaming stuff going on there. And so, you know, kind of inspired me to talk about this. And I'm very, very interested in in dreams and dreaming in general, as a shamanic practitioner, I do. I do a lot of dream work. And I you know, locally here in my state I, you know, once a week, I actually am on the radio, doing dream analysis for listeners, which is mostly a fun thing. You know, it's a fun thing that I do and get to connect with people here and the gyms are always interesting. And, you know, sometimes I'm able to provide some clarity or some relief around some issues with dreams. So I'm going to talk about dreams. I'm going to talk about lucid dreaming what that is astral travel or astral projection and how that sort of equates to shamanic journeying. So let me start out With dreams in general, and again, I'm going to, I'm going to sort of present my take on dream material. And my feeling is if you're listening to this podcast, you have interested in spiritual topics, that your beliefs may overlap mine a little bit, and that what dreams are and what they represent. Now, from a psychoanalytic perspective, you know, we go back to young and Freud sort of big, big minds in psychoanalysis

particularly young, very interested in people's dreams, right? Very interesting people's dreams, because dreams allow us to surface a lot of unconscious material, a lot of stuff that, you know, we would not have conscious awareness of, and in my experience, doing dream analysis, dreams, kind of loosely fall into a few categories, right. One category of dreams, are I sort of how would I put this they're sort of warning posts or flags, you're particularly sometimes there's a recurring dream that happens. It's not necessarily a warning of danger, but it's your, your subconscious mind is trying to really get you to pay attention to something and you haven't you haven't figured that out yet, you haven't sussed out that information isn't dealt with whatever issue that is, yet it's buried somewhere in your subconscious. Now, your subconscious, your unconscious mind, processes things, very metaphorically, which is why a lot of dream material that comes up as metaphorical, and it's why dream analysis can, can be really helpful. If you, you know, talk to somebody who's intuitive, and works with dreams, and, you know, that sort of thing. can sort of help you walk through, you know, issues that are coming up. And that is something that I encounter a lot when I'm doing sort of dream analysis work. You know, somebody will tell me, you know, I dreamed about my dream about my father driving off a cliff or something along those lines. And as I suss it out, as I, I'm like, well, you really, you know, concerned about, you know, the driving situation is, you know, really a symbol of independence and, and, you know, being able to take care of oneself, and you know, your father driving off a cliff and you're witnessing it or you're involved and you're worried about, you know, your father's independence. And, you know, the person was able to oh my gosh, yes, my father had a stroke 12 years ago. And in this, this is really, really tiny example, and I'm sort of general, generalizing. Because analysis can take a long time, it can be very in depth, right? Um, very frequently, dreams can surface trauma. Right? So trauma is stored in the soul, from a shamanic perspective stored in the body, but stored in the soul body, from the demonic perspective. So things that happened to us can sometimes surface in dreams. So again, this is your this is your unconscious mind going, Hey, you know, there's something here that you really kind of want to deal with. Right? There's something here that you may, you know, you may want to get some therapy around or process or something along those lines. And that is another, you know, that's another really sort of common thing that comes up. Right. So, you know, I believe that all dreams hold some importance. I don't think, you know, I'm not sure what the exact scientific consensus is on dreaming. I don't think it's just random noise. Right? Why would that? Why would that possibly be? Why would we have evolved to just have random noise go through our head into our consciousness, right, on a nightly basis? Like, completely random, and ultimately, experience doesn't bear that out, you know, frequently, I'm able to determine with some degree of accuracy, some issues that are going on in somebody's life based on some dream material that may not be related to the actual issue right there, symbolic things are happening. So these things are related. I think it's the uncut, you know, the unconscious, if its surface to the surface of the consciousness, sometimes it's trying to pay attention to something sometimes it's trying to, you know, do what therapists might call processing, right processing. You know, you're going through this, you're going through this information and organizing it into You know, the way that your brain holds information and deals with it, that sort of mundane, everyday dreaming. Now I do have a number of people who tell me they do not dream, I don't, I do not dream.

And that is just not true. What you're saying, when you say that, when you say I don't dream, what you're actually saying is, I don't remember my dreams, but that doesn't mean you don't dream. Because if you take somebody who is, um, you know, asleep, and they're going through rat rapid eye movement, right, you can see their eyeballs moving under their eyelids, and you wake them up and you ask them what was going on. They could, they can say, you know, most of the time, nearly all the time they can, they can describe the dream that they were in. But what happens when we're dreaming, we're in a certain mind, state, a certain state of mind, meaning you have, you know, your brain is processing things a certain way parts of your brain to turn off parts are turned on, you know, the, the brainwaves going through your brain are not like you're waking consciousness. And when you wake up, your brain shifts, right, you know, some parts shut down, some parts turn on, it is a huge shift in consciousness to go from asleep to waking, even REM sleep, which is sort of close to your waking state from a brainwave perspective. So many, many people have the experience of having a dream and having it fade as they wake up. And that's really common as well. Right. So that's that process where, when we're shifting brain states, we often forget within the first five or 10 minutes. So if you're a person, you want to remember your dreams. My suggestion to the to you is keep a notebook next to your bed with a pen or pencil. And as soon as you wake up, as soon as you remember, take down some notes about, you know what you were dreaming of, write it down before it fades. You know if, you know, if it's not going to wake up somebody who's sleeping with you, you could also use a like a voice recorder app on your phone and talk into that and record, record your dream, you know, whatever, just, you know, if you get it out, you're gonna be less likely to forget it. And then the other thing that happens when you start to keep a dream journal is that you are sort of training your brain that you want to remember your dreams and you'll begin to remember them more frequently. Okay, so I talked about dreaming and sort of what dreaming is, from my perspective, and you know, that everybody dreams and they talked about a certain category of dreams, which I sort of are, you know, these metaphoric, signposts or, or pathways or pay attention to me pay attention to something, right, it's like a flag, pay attention to this. I'm not always on warning, not always, sometimes it's, you know, you have some untapped potential, you have some creativity, you want to get out, you are attracted to somebody and you're not willing to admit it. Those things, you know, those things can all happen. Um, you know, there's, you know, there can be some on it also some, you know, sort of a second category, which sometimes has some overlap here are the, on unresolved unresolved feeling dreams, right. So, you know, you break up with somebody, and you dream about them, or, you know, you never fulfilled a life dream and you dream about that. Even you know, in that in that category can also be overlap one another category, there's, you know, there's these categories are not really firmly defined. They're just sort of things that they're ways that I think about, you know, when I about dreams when I talk about them with people, right? Another big one is wish fulfillment. Right? And sometimes our wishes can be pushed down into our shadow. I did a whole podcast episode about the shadow. But very briefly, the shadow is the exiled part of ourself, it's the part of ourself that due to socialization, or our values or whatever, like we push thought, feelings and desires into that we don't accept about ourselves. So some of that may be sexual, for example, right. So if you have

dreams of a sexual nature with somebody who is not your spouse, or you know, somebody who is, you know, might be inappropriate to have a sexual relationship with, that can be that sort of thing, right. And, um, you know, wish people were sort of less alarmed about this, okay, you know, you can have a dream about somebody and never act on it. And, you know, some stuff can be some stuff can be coming up some thoughts, some desires, it's natural to have this stuff. When you when you, you know, when you push it into your subconscious, that's, you know, when you push it into an, you know, in your shadow, that's when it can become problematic. Okay, so that's sort of another category, then there's this, this sort of larger category that is, you know, sort of spiritual dreams, write dreams that are maybe pre cognitive, maybe they foreshadow something happening. Or maybe they're indications that something has happened or is happening. You know, a relative of mine, a very close relative of mine, woke up from a sound sleep, at the exact moment, another relative of mine was declared dead, unexpectedly in hospital, and, you know, knew that something was going on and said, I'm gonna go, you know, I'm getting up now, because of my phone's gonna ring anytime now with some, something has happened. So pre cognitive stuff can happen in dreams, and what's going on there? Right. So when we dream, our ego, our conscious mind starts to shut down. And I honestly think that we are normally receiving all of this, what you might call psychic input, these impressions, that we're getting these signals from the world. And they're not surfacing, they're not sort of loud enough, above the things that are coming in through our senses, our sensory input is overwhelming. All of that, right. So imagine that you're in a very crowded restaurant, and everybody in that restaurant is having a conversation at the top of their lungs, you know, as loud as they possibly can. And there's a couple sitting in the corner, whispering to each other? Are you going to be able to pay attention to that whispering? Are you even going to hear it or be aware of it? Probably not. And it's probably, even if you were aware that something you know, something's going on, there's a conversation there, they're whispering, the other stimulus in the room is going to overpower that so much, you're not going to be able to pay attention to it. And that's why a lot of, you know, many spiritual systems pay close attention to stuff that comes up in dreams. The issue here is not all dreams are pre cognitive, I have lots of people call me up. And you know, I dreamed about dying, I dreamed about this, but that dreams of death are not always pre cognitive, particularly if they're about yours. They're usually about a life transition. If you think of the death card and the Tarot deck, it is a card of change, transition, you know, that sort of thing. It's not about physical death. And I have never had an incident or an incidents where somebody talked to me about dying in a dream where that has been pre cognitive. So in my experience, it's just not it's just not the case, where those things happen. So that, you know, that can happen the other. Another thing that can happen is we can become really, really receptive to loved ones who have passed, for example, right? I talked to a lot of people who tell me my grandmother showed up in my dream, and said this to me, and it turned out to be true. Absolutely. your grandmother's probably looking at on you from the afterlife. And, you know, it took you entering a dream state to be able to hear that person. This is something so mediums who are really good, who can talk to people who've crossed over, they're able to enter that that sort of receptive state at will, you're able to train that. It's also why meditators like meditation, that centers around learning to quiet the noise in the environment is is an effective and important tool. For, for doing certain types of psychic development, right, being able to tune out the noise and listen to the signal that you want to listen to. And tuning is a really great

way of describing what the brain does. Okay? I personally, and I'm not alone in this, this is not my theory. I personally do not believe that consciousness that human consciousness or any consciousness is located in the brain. I believe that consciousness is non local, and outside of time, however, I believe that the brain, the human brain, and in my case, hope I have a human brain. Some people might say that I have a monkey brain. But as far as I know, I have a human brain. And I believe that the human brain is a receiver, very much like a radio receiver of consciousness, the signal of consciousness, right? When we go to sleep for the night, we the our brain, even though the sensory input is still coming in our brain changes frequencies, right and tunes out, tunes out the input, but also tunes, you know, changes to a different frequency of consciousness. And this is exactly what's going on with people who are clairvoyant, intuitive. Our mediums are our shamanic practitioners. They're people who have learned to intentionally change the frequency they're receiving, you know, they're receiving signals on in their brain. They're changing, they're, they're changing their consciousness. And there is evidence, there is a lot of research around the nonlocality of, of consciousness. Consciousness, if you think about it, right? consciousness is what we call a nominalization. A nominalization is a noun, it's a thing that you cannot you could not put in a wheelbarrow, right? So it's a noun, it's, we're talking about a process, something that is happening, but it's not a physical object, right? Most nouns are like, pen, table, lamp. ship, right. If you had a big enough wheelbarrow, you could put a ship in it. So consciousness, right consciousness, love, respect all these things. These are, these are nouns but they you couldn't put them in a wheelbarrow, they're formless. These are foremost nouns. And consciousness is a formless noun, we so often associate, ourselves or consciousness with our physical reality with our physical body, with a physical brain, with our sense organs, all of those things. Um, just empirically, I do not believe that to be the case, I do not believe that brain, the human brain is the source of consciousness, but it is a receiver of consciousness. And just like a radio set, you can tune that receiver to different channels, the brain is an absolutely amazing organ, it is an amazing thing that we have the fact that we're able to use it to tune consciousness, right. But saying that it's the source of consciousness is a little bit like saying, the radio show you're listening to, is actually generated by the radio. Right? The podcast that you're listening to, I'm sitting in my living room, talking into a microphone, I am not sitting inside your, you know, your computer or your phone and talking to you. So your computer, your phone is not the source of this podcast, the source of this podcast is, you know, me talking into a microphone. And yes, there's all kinds of stuff going on. As I talk into a microphone, my voice, the sound waves are changing to an electrical signal, which is digitized and recorded and then uploaded and downloaded and all kinds of stuff are going on. But it wouldn't be right to say that your phone, your computer is the source of this podcast in the same way. That is not correct, in my opinion, to say that the brain is the source of consciousness. Right? And so what happens when we die and I realized that's probably a whole other podcast, what happens when we die and the brain ceases to function or consciousness does not go away. It is not it is just not being received anymore by this body. Mind this brain is shut down. This brain is no longer functioning. But consciousness is non local. So it's it carries on. And trust me like this is

you know, this is something I experience every day as a shamanic practitioner, conscious being elsewhere. Okay, so I've talked a lot about dreams and a lot of the different categories of dreams. And I really like I want to talk a little bit about lucid dreaming. And if you haven't heard that term before, lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming. And you know that you're dreaming, if you've ever been in the dream and known that you were dreaming. That technically is what a lucid dream is. But there are a lot of other implications of the term lucid dreaming. One of the implications of lucid dreaming is that you can take control of the content of your dream, right. I do know people who lucid dream really regularly, and they're able to sort of shape their dreams into whatever, whatever they want. And there's lots of reasons to do that some of those esoteric, some of those merely recreational imagine, you could go anywhere in the world you want on vacation, do anything you want, eat anything you want, hang out with anything you want, and have a conversation with anything you want, that can be expressed through lucid dreaming. Um, what's going on with lucid dreaming in, you know, my take on this is that the, you know, so you're, you're there, your brain is not a simple system. And so, actually tuning to two different frequencies at the same time. So part of your brain that would normally be asleep, the cut, you know, the conscious, you know, what we might consider a sort of the conscious waking state of the brain is actually awake and active, and the dreaming part of the brain is active at the same time. And those signals kind of mixed together. And you can take control of the dream. And this is, this is pretty interesting. So this, as well brings me to another type of dream, another sort of category of dream that I have experienced myself and I know people have experienced and you know, I don't know how common it is. But is the category of dream I would call actually soul travel. And it is more common, in my opinion with lucid dreaming. And this is where the part of your, you know, your consciousness that we might refer to as your astral body, which is a semi formless body, but can you know you can perceive it as having the same shape and characteristics of your body? is able to travel? Right, able to go around looking on friends, talk to people talk to ghosts, go to heaven? Who knows? Right? wherever you want to go? How is this differentiated where like? So I want to talk a little bit about how this travel takes place. And I'll I'll use this to segue into talking about astral projection and astral travel as well. Where are you traveling? How are you traveling? How you know what? What's sort of the mechanisms involved here. These soul travel dreams are very closely related to astral projection, and they're very closely related to shamanic journeying. And so what happens is this formless part of you is traveling in other realms, and so in demonic terms, the world that we live in, in ordinary reality in your conscious waking state, the physical world that you walk through, we refer to this as the middle world. And the middle world

is also sort of a shorthand for the spiritual template, the formless templates in which ordinary reality exists. And I use the metaphor if you've ever had, like, if you're my age, you remember in school, teachers used to use overhead projectors, and they would have these clear sheets that they would project up onto the screen and they could write on them or they would have stuff printed on them and you could stack one on top of the other, or you might have seen in a book somewhere where you have these Clear acetate sheets maybe have saved the human body. And you can peel back the layer that has the skin on it and see the muscles and the organs and you peel back the muscles in the organs. And underneath that is the skeletal system. And you can fold it all over. And those, you know, shining light through them, you can kind of see all of those layers. The middle world is like that, right? The middle world is made up of lots and lots of different sort of frequencies of things. So we have this very physical reality that we move through every day. And we have physical light that we see and all these things. But every object every being that we encounter, in physical, everyday ordinary reality, has a spiritual counterpart, right? The chair you're sitting on is a spirit tool thing. As an object, it has a spiritual component, which if you were doing shamanic journeying, soul travel, astral projection, you would, you would see that you would see that in and might be a little different, because you're only because your perception is changing, you've shifted your consciousness. So this this sort of spiritual overlay of the middle world, the middle world, the spiritual aspects of the middle world, is also where we encounter sort of what I might call nature spirits, mythological creatures. You know, things like ghosts, right, a lot of paranormal phenomena happens in the middle world. And because, because the middle world frequency is, you know, the spiritual component frequency is very close to the physical world, sometimes, that's when we can have this paranormal stuff that affects the physical world. Okay. And when I talk about nature spirits for a moment, just really briefly, because that again, that's a whole other podcast. Um, so every culture that I can think of has some sort of concept of a nature spirit, right? So in sort of, in the, in the UK and Ireland, and you know, Scotland, Wales, so England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, sort of the Celtic areas of the world, we have things like fairies, Pixies brownies, the fairy faith is still in many areas of the world taken very, very, very seriously. In Hawaii, they have lots of spiritual creatures. But when I think of like, fairies, Pixies brownie sprites, they have what are called the mental hooni. And the men of hooni are these like little people, right? So they, these little spiritual people exist in so many cultures around the world. And so sort of Nordic countries, right, Scandinavian countries. You know, I don't know all of the words for them, but they have, you know, trolls, and elves, and, you know, that sort of thing. So all of those sort of little people, which is a weird word for it, because they're all different sizes. But, you know, these spiritual creatures, in these folk belief systems aren't just, they're not, for lack of a better term fairy tales. They're real, they're real creatures, that people who have spiritual sight can interact with. And, and I have, you know, I have certainly done a fair bit of work with nature spirits, there are religions existing to this day that that deal with them. A lot of a lot of folk religion, from Africa, to Australia, to the Pacific islands to United States, or, you know, the Continental North America, South America, not just the United States, but indigenous cultures throughout the world

have these nature spirits, and they all have different names, and they all have different characteristics because they're filtered through the consciousness, but what's going on here? What's going on with these cultures that were separate, you know, separated for, you know, for ever geographically separated and, you know, didn't necessarily have any recent interaction, any historical interaction or even like, you know, interaction with 10s of 1000s of years. How did they all spontaneously generate the same thing? Well, they didn't. I can, I can tell you that nature spirits are are real. And I will do a whole entire podcast on them, but we experienced them in the middle world. leprechauns sprites fairies can Tom lay men hooni I cannot. Someday I'll see if I can find a reference to to maybe there's probably hundreds and hundreds of names from all in all different countries, all different cultures for, for these nature spirits. And so you don't have to necessarily believe me, but I, you know, I believe in them and I have interacted them with them in shamanic journey. So sometimes, so these soul journeys, for the most part happened in the middle world, right? If you've ever dreamed of like, checking in on something or experiencing something, and then happens, some pre cognitive stuff is middle world. And the thing is this spirit world, the formless because you know, I'm not a physicist, I'm not a quantum physicist or physicist of any kind. But time and matter are really closely interlinked in ordinary reality, so when you get outside of the space, where things are solid and made of matter, time starts to break down. So that's why we can, you know, journey into the past journey into the future. Because those things like our human minds are going to place them in time. But they're not necessarily, you know, going to make exact sense, it's not going to be as linear, as we experience going through life in ordinary reality. Right, because time, really, really starts to break down. And I have had some pre cognitive experiences in journeys that have been sort of a sort of blown me away, you know, experience things that have that have come to pass. And I, you know, certainly have talked to people who have had had dreams where that's also the case. So soul journey, and let's, you know, so sojourning happens to, in my experience, primarily during lucid dreaming, happens primarily in the middle world, although when you're lucid dreaming, you can do things like fly, go through walls, that sort of thing. Because the part of you that's traveling is not made out of matter, in the way that we think of it. It's not made out of physical material. It is, um, you know, non physical, so you can defy the laws of physics. Most of them anyway, as far as I know, I don't have haven't tested a lot of a lot of physical experience experiments, while lucid dreaming, but maybe that'll be a thing. So yeah, I mean, and you can, it's beyond the scope of this podcast, but you can train yourself to lucid dream. You know, it takes a little bit of doing but it's not, it's not incredibly challenging to do, you will not be successful 100% of the time, but you know, you can get some successes. And there is a bounty of things that can happen from lucid dreaming, right, from being able to experience things to rehearsing activities to taking advantage of, you know, the dream state to do some spiritual work. That's lucid dreaming. And when you're traveling in the middle world, in a lucid dream, you're essentially doing the same thing is what we call astral projection, or astral traveling. The difference with astral, the only difference in my opinion, between astral projection and soul travel in dreams is that with astral projection, you are not dreaming. You're not asleep. Right? So, people do these meditation exercises to get into the right brain states, but they are they have not fallen asleep. And they're able to

separate their astral body from their physical body. Some portion of it, you're actually what you're doing is you're splitting off some piece of consciousness from your soul. And I'm able to travel that way in in the middle world. I will caution this. This is my I don't. I don't use scare tactics, tactics just to scare people. But when I teach people to journey to do shamanic journeys, which is basically the same thing as astral travel. Middle world journeys are not always 100% safe, and some of the risks of of traveling in the middle world without what I would call likes. demonic protection without taking steps to make sure that you're safe. You know, include you may you may encounter spirits that don't have your best interest at heart, you may encounter spirits that can drain you of energy that can attach to you that can do you know, some do some things that can cause some physical effects, right can cause you to get sick. Can you know if you've been doing this kind of work and you start having in your in, you know, you're not, if you've been doing a lot of astral travel practice or you've been, I don't know, playing with journeying in the middle world without proper training or that sort of thing. And you start to experience symptoms of psychosis, like breaks from reality, like when you're in ordinary reality, it's time to seek out a shaman and get some help for that. Could be lots of things. But you may have picked up a hitchhiker, which some people call possession. I don't need to find a better word for that. Because when I say position, people think of the movie The Exorcist, and they think it's like a demon is taking over their body, that's not always the case. Sometimes spirit will just follow you home. Because if you see them, they can see you kind of thing. And sometimes you're intruding on a territory. You know, nature, spirits can be territorial, they can be protectors of space, it's important to have good relationships with them. So you know, just be cautious when you're experimenting with this stuff. I know there's a lot of there's a lot of stuff out there about astral travel. And if you you have to imagine a silver cord back to your body. And if you don't, you know, if the silver cord gets severed, you'll die. And I you know, that's not my experience. That is, I don't know where that comes from. Maybe that's true. I mean, there are there are what we call a theory cords that attach people to things and to other people and all that sort of thing. Um, you know, and that's just the different to me and it's just a different phenomenon. When I journey I don't have to visualize or think about or, I've never even experienced a chord like that and I'm able to journey which brings me to shamanic journeying, which I've talked about a little bit already, but what, what are shamans doing when they journey when they go into trance and they journey? So a shamanic journey consists of three components. A shaman alters their state of consciousness, right goes into a trance travels in non ordinary reality. Right? So that's exactly what we're talking about here with astral projection and sometimes lucid dreaming soul travel. And the shaman the important differences is shum always works with helping spirits, right? We form alliances with spirits. Normally, if you're a shamanic practitioner, normally, you'll start to build relationships with lots of helping spirits. Because it can be like specialists, right? I work with one helping spirit for soul retrieval. I work with another one for doing past life work. I work with another one for doing, you know, divination, you know, they sort of specialize. But so. shamans, you know, the big, the big difference here between somebody who's just astrally projecting or whatever is that shamans are working with helping spirits will they do this?

The other the other aspect that comes from training and shamanism is that shamans don't only work in the middle world. shamans work in lots of different worlds, you know, a very broad, you know, painting, painting the spiritual world with a very broad brush. You know, the shamans generally work in what we call the lower world, middle world and upper worlds. But there are infinite worlds. And these are just really big distinctions. It's sort of like somebody's asking me for my address. And I say I live in the Milky Way galaxy. Right. So if you addressed if you wrote me a letter and addressed it to the Milky Way galaxy, it's probably not going to find its way to my house. So These are broad strokes, and it just helps us sort of talk about things. So the practice of shamanism over you know, over a really long period of time as you practice and you learn different ceremonies and you learn different healing techniques and you learn all these things. You know, part of what you're doing is you're also exploring other worlds and bringing back information, healing energy, all kinds of things, if you work with, if you work on behalf of yourself, or you work on behalf of clients, or you work on behalf of a community, you know, and then a lot of indigenous cultures, you know, shamans work for a, you know, whatever tribal unit they're a part of, right, they're doing lots of work for everything from determining the best time to plant corn to, um, you know, interpreting the dreams of an elders to, you know, doing his, you know, actual physical healing work. That sort of thing because shamans traditionally, have played the roles of doctors, spiritual leaders, storytellers, all all kinds of things. There are ways that the, the archetype of the shaman plays out and all these things. So all these things that I've mentioned, so soul journeying during dreaming and lucid dreaming, astral projection, shamanic journeying. They're all very related activities. And the reason we're able to do these is because human beings have, you know, all human beings have a number of things in common we all have. We all have consciousness, we all have soul bodies, we all have spirit, we all have a theory of bodies we all have, we're all made up of the same stuff. We're all very, very, very different. Right? No two people are alike. Everybody has different DNA. Everybody has different thoughts and feelings, and aspirations and all of those things. But we have a lot of stuff in common. We all breathe oxygen, we all have blood in our arteries and veins. We all have hearts and lungs. And you know, that sort of thing. on a physical level, and on a spiritual level, we have sort of the same thing. We're all made up of the same stuff in the same way. Even if you don't think you dream, you do. Right, you just don't remember. And I believe that anybody can learn how to how to do a shamanic journey. I'm firmly convinced that anybody can learn how to do a shamanic journey. Does that make everybody a great candidate for being a shamanic healer? No, I don't think so. It's sort of like saying, every anybody can learn how to throw a baseball. But not everybody can be a major league baseball pitcher, right? Everybody can, you know, learn how to apply a bandaid to somebody's arm, but not everybody can be a surgeon, right? You know, on one part, it's it's a matter of there is a matter of makeup, some of the differences and makeup. But on the other hand, it's it is also a matter of extensive training and focus. You know, if somebody was really, really, somebody has the calling to learn the stuff, they they will, they will learn it, they will do it.

But there's certain things that certain things that happen that we know culturally, that that make people naturally better at this stuff. Right? And so, for example, if you were, if you were a person who was genetically very tall, you might have a advantage playing basketball over somebody who is much shorter, somebody who's much shorter, learn how to play basketball and be a professional basketball player. Sure, absolutely has happened, right? There have been some shorter basketball players. It's rare though, right? Because there's certain advantages from being born tall. And not to say they, you know, shamanism is a genetic thing, but there's certain life experiences that make a shamanic calling, more likely to happen and that make you better at dissociating from your body. Which is kind of what we're doing. When we journey. We are leaving our body to take a trip. So that is a lot of information. This has been i don't know i hope packed full of information and interesting and I hope you learn something today. I will be Hopefully bringing on won't not hopefully I will be bringing on more guests on my podcast I'm very excited about some of them coming up. I would be remiss if I did not mention that tomorrow. The day after this podcast goes out is St. Patrick's Day. My grandfather was was Irish, so I guess I feel a special I feel a special kins kinship with the Irish because I'm, you know, I'm a quarter Irish. And so to those who are to those who are celebrating, and if you are not Irish, but still celebrate Happy St. Patrick's Day. And I look forward to talking to you again. I wish you peace and love and all good things.

Announcer 51:20

You have been listening to speaking spirit with your host, john more. For more info or to contact john, go to that's M A I N E S H A M A