How to identify and heal from karmic relationships

As a shamanic practitioner, I am always concerned with my cleint’s and students, mental, physical, and spiritual health. Part of that health includes having healthy relationships.

I want to talk to you about unhealthy karmic relationships. I am not immune to his. Not that long ago I ended a karmic relationship with a partner who had turned quite abusive. Healing from the trauma she inflicted took time. But i also realized that i was reenacting abusive episodes from my childhood.

This person entered into my life precisely because she was meant to traumatize me in ways that forced me to heal old wounds. I consider myself a wounded healer, using the healing from my past trauma as medicine.

I do not recommend seeking out karmic relationships as a way to heal yourself, but if you find yourself in a toxic relationship as I did, I hope you can learn something here that helps.

What is a karmic relationship?

A karmic relationship is a kind of relationship that involves a lot of drama and extreme volatility. This is an intense relationship that usually has a lot of passion and a lot of volatility. However painful the relationship might be, there are reasons why people may seek a karmic partner. This type of romantic relationship usually comes to a rapid and dramatic ending.

When two people enter into a karmic relationship, it usually happens very quickly. It may begin with a lot of passion. One or both partners may feel like they are twin flames or a soulmate relationship. Both the power and the drama can be addictive for the couple.

There is usually a karmic lesson for each person to learn. This is the primary purpose of the karmic relationship. The relationship may be very unhealthy, but it might also devolve into a healing crisis that helps the couple become better people.

When they realize they are in this type of relationship, the best thing one can do is to end it. These are not lasting romances. Once a karmic relationship ends, the healing can begin in earnest.

13 common signs of a karmic relationship

There are some tell-tale signs that you may be in a karmic relationship. Some, but not all of these, are red flags.

  1. Karmic relationships can seem like love at first sight, and each partner may think the other is their soul mate.

  2. Karmic relationships involve a lot of drama and volatility.

  3. There are usually numerous red flags during the relationship.

  4. The relationship seems like an emotional roller coaster.

  5. The relationship is consuming.

  6. The relationship usually winds up in codependency.

  7. There is usually a power imbalance.

  8. The couple feels an instant connection when they first meet.

  9. The karmic relationship usually comes to a quick ending.

  10. One or both partners becomes intolerant of the other's flaws.

  11. One or both partners are reliving or re-enacting old traumas.

  12. The relationship may seem great from the outside, but there is a dark side that the couple hides from people they know.

  13. Disagreement and miscommunication characterize the communication style of the karmic relationship.

Why do we enter into karmic relationships?

Karmic relationships provide an excellent opportunity for personal growth. The relationship itself might be painful, but there is always a purpose of karmic relationships.

A few reasons why we might enter into a karmic relationship:

  1. We have a karmic debt.

  2. We want to learn from our past mistakes.

  3. We are attracted to someone who has similar karma as us.

  4. We need to process unresolved issues from our past

  5. We are processing wounds from a previous lifetime

  6. We form a karmic bond with another person

  7. We have to learn self-love the hard way.

  8. We may use the karmic relationship to re-enact and heal from old wounds caused by family members or even a past life.

What are some signs that a karmic relationship is ending?

There are some signs that a karmic relationship is ending.

Some of these signs may include:

  1. The couple begins to fight and argue frequently.

  2. The couple argues every little thing.

  3. The relationship becomes stagnant, and the partners stop getting along.

  4. The relationship becomes abusive.

  5. The couple's physical attraction is waning.

  6. The karmic bond begins to fade, and the two start to fight over silly things.

  7. One or both partners feels resentment about the other's dependency.

  8. The relationship begins to feel like too much effort.

How does one end the cycle of karmic relationships?

If a person finds themself entering one karmic relationship after another, ending the cycle is the way to have a healthy relationship finally.

There are several ways to end the cycle of karmic relationships.

  1. One way is to forgive and forget one's past mistakes.

  2. Another way is for each partner to take responsibility for their actions.

  3. A third way is through visualization or meditation practice, which can help the partners.

  4. One can gain a deeper understanding of their true nature through self-exploration

  5. One can try to recognize the unfinished business the karmic relationship was trying to heal and work through that in therapy or with the help of a spiritual advisor.

Ultimately, one wants to heal completely from a karmic relationship. With that healing, one should look to avoid repeating the

Here are a few examples of karmic relationships that you should try to avoid:

  1. A parent/child dynamic in a relationship where one partner takes charge of the other as a parent might,

  2. Any abusive relationship.

  3. Relationships based on guilt or obligation in which one partner feels they can't leave the other person.

Karmic relationships usually create more suffering than happiness. With this in mind, it is best to avoid them altogether.

The karmic relationship may be a reflection of the consciousness of the people involved. Some people are more prone to develop

karmic relationships while

How does one heal from a karmic relationship?

After ending a karmic relationship, it is up to the individual to find the best way to heal.

There are several ways to heal from a karmic relationship.

  1. One way is through the use of self-love and forgiveness.

  2. Another way is by becoming aware of one's thoughts, words, and actions while in the presence of another person.

  3. A third way is through deep spiritual healing practices.

Very often, a karmic relationship is traumatic enough to cause what shaman's call soul loss. When this happens, this might result in dissociation, depression, even physical illness. Someone experiencing these symptoms should seek a shamanic practitioner experienced in soul retrieval. Therapy can help.

Karmic relationships are difficult to heal because the dynamics of karma are often very subtle. It is easy for one to feel that we have no control over a karmic relationship, but the truth is that we all have complete control over our consciousness and how we experience it.

Karmic relationships are not limited to romantic relationships. Karmic connections can also occur in other types of intimate relationships, such as friendships, family members, or coworkers.

In conclusion, the best way to heal from a karmic relationship is to practice forgiveness and self-love. Learn the lessons. Do the deep work that leads to a higher sense of self-worth to avoid beginning a toxic relationship in the future.