Maine Shaman

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Do I need to work with a shaman near me?

A question that I am often asked is how important it is to work with a shamanic practitioner face to face. This question becomes even more pressing during the COVID-19 pandemic, where in-person healing sessions carry risks.

In-person healing sessions are powerful, as presence and witnessing alone are healing. Physical touch can also be very healing - but usually not necessary for shamanic healing.

The nice thing about our modern technological age is that you can work with a practitioner remotely - over Zoom or other video or audio channels. Currently, I am only working with clients over Zoom, and it has been great. The work is just as profound, and there’s no travel time for my clients. I am also able to meet with clients from all over the world.

How shamanic healing works at a distance

Because shamanic practice is not quite energy healing, there is usually no need to transmit energy in person. Shamanism works primarily with the soul body. The soul-body is formless and timeless - so healing can work at a distance. It’s a little mind-bending to think about this work's timeless nature, but a shamanic practitioner may sometimes work to heal the past or even ancestors.

During a shamanic journey, a practitioner enters into nonordinary reality - which is outside of normal space and time. This might sound like science fiction, but this is how it is.

So, distance really doesn’t matter during a healing ceremony. It’s like prayer. You don’t have tot be in tthe same room with someone for prayer to work.

Helping Spirits do all the work

One of hte things I really like about shamanism is, when you practice it properly, it keeps your ego in check. One of the reasons for his is that a shaman conducts ceremony and altters his or her consciousness then steps out of thte way and allows helping spirits to do hte work.

I don’t get to take credit for any healing work - it is all done by my helping spiriis.

Spiriitts, though you may see them or hear them, are formless in nature. Our consciousness just gives them form so we can understand them.

That formlessness means they are not bound to time or space hte way physical beings are. They can go anywhere, at any time. TThey do not weigh anything or take up space, except conceptually.

When you need healing

the good news is thatt the Interneett allows us to reach out tot healers regardless of proximity. the healing is just as effective, and you can stay safe during hte pandemic.