Shamanism and the Fae
In learning to practice Shamanism, one will sooner or later encounter human-like spirits known to some as fae. Some practitioners regularly work with these ancient spiritual beings, and some merely encounter them during their journeys.
We can learn to work with fae through shamanic practices in ritual and ceremony. This article will explore Shamanism's relationship with the fae and discuss how to work with them.
The fae - what are they, and how do they interact with us
The fae are nature spirits that live in our natural environment. There are names for the fae in almost every culture - menahune, leprechauns, elves, sprites, fairies, tomte, and kontomble - these nature spirits show up everywhere there are humans.
Some of these nature spirits are strongly tied to the place where they live, while others seem to travel.
They can be seen as guardians of the land and help humans connect with their environment and find healing, insight, and guidance. Stories of human interaction with the fae have been around since ancient times. They can be mischievous, even dangerous, but possess wisdom and power.
Practitioners can call upon them in times of need to bring balance and harmony. They are protectors of the land. In some cultures, such as Scandinavia, these spirits can be bargained with to protect homes and farms.
From a shamanic perspective, these non-human people are residents of the middle world. The middle world is the spiritual layer of the 3D world we inhabit. This is a spiritual reality that is close to our ordinary waking world. This is why people can sometimes see and interact with the fae.
Types of fae and their roles in shamanic practices
Shamans in different cultures practices often interact with the fae as nature spirits. The fae have become more elusive as nature has become less wild, but their presence is still felt in shamanic work. Fae come in many forms and serve varied roles in shamanic practices, from guiding practitioners to helping with healing rituals.
Sometimes the fae are divided into two broad categories: elemental fae and forest fae. Elemental fae come from the four elements – water, earth, fire, and air – while forest fae are associated with plants, animals, and other wild creatures.
Elemental fae can be called upon to help heal a physical wound or illness. They can also help purify the environment and bring clarity and focus to a spiritual journey. Forest fae are best consulted for guidance during spiritual practices, such as shape-shifting, an advanced spiritual practice.
Tips on working safely with fae
When working with the fae, it is essential to take certain precautions to ensure safety and respect for their energy. Here are some tips for working safely with fae in your shamanic rituals and practices:
1. Establish Boundaries: Before engaging with the fae, it is crucial to establish boundaries. You can do this through prayer, visualization, or speaking aloud. Invite them to talk with you, but never demand. Call in your helping spirits to mediate - always in middle-world work.
2. Set an Intention: Before engaging fae, set an intention for what you want to achieve with their help. Make sure it is clear and concise so that fae can understand and work towards your desired outcome.
3. Offer a Gift: A small offering such as flowers, incense, or food can be offered to the fae to thank them for their help and guidance. I suggest offering them something traditional to the culture that lived on the land before you. If you are going o leave something in nature - make sure it is in harmony with the land, plants, animals, and water.
4. Release and Thank: After your ritual or journey is complete, bid them farewell and thank them for their assistance. In Shamanism, harmonious relationships with spirits are essential.
Following these tips can ensure a safe and beneficial experience when working with the fae.
The fae, or nature spirits, are essential to shamanic practices. They come in many forms and serve varied roles, from guiding practitioners to helping with healing rituals. To work safely and respectfully with fae when engaging in shamanic practice, it is essential to set boundaries, have a clear intention for the desired outcome, offer them a traditional offering as thanks for their help and guidance, and take time to release fae at the end of your journey. By understanding who fae are and how they can be called upon during spiritual work, we can gain insight into our lives while honoring these powerful beings that inhabit Mother Nature's realm.